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Smoking & How to Quit
Smoking & How to Quit

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I have been smoking for 30 years and have had many smoking related health problems for many years. I just recently had a very bad year sickness/wise ranging from pneumonia, bronchitis and the last - a very bad infection. The first week I went from a pack a day habit to 3 cigarettes a day. After those cigarettes were gone - I was so sick I just didn't buy anymore and decided I would try to quit that day. Well, I'm on my 12th day and it is still tough. I don't know if it is because I'm still sick or what but I'm wondering when I'm going to start feeling these "benefits" of quitting. Hopefully it will be soon. I enjoyed reading your experiences - very inspirational!
I've quit smoking twice before (that doesn't quite sound right, to quit before?). I quit for over two years the first time, and over six months the second. I'm now trying for the third time. I made it 61 days, relapsed, and now have three under my belt. I am not nicotine free yet (I'm in my last week of patches). I have wanted to smoke for as long as I can remember. I used to pick butts up and smell them when I was 5-years-old! I have realized that I will want a cigarette every day for the rest of my life. The trick is not giving in, and for that I need support. I just try to take it a minute at a time, if necessary. I also believe that nicotine replacement works much better than cold turkey. In the end, it's a matter of treating like any other addiction, working the steps, and forgiving yourself. I thank God for this day.
I quit 42 days ago! I’m so proud; I quit after going to the doctor with a bad cough. It scared me. I’m so much better now I’m not coughing at all! I’m so glad I’m doing this!
Michele from Tennessee
I am 4 days smoke free after 20 years of smoking. I used to have the hardest time envisioning myself not smoking. I didn't have a plan; I just became very ill and couldn't smoke, what a better time to quit. Your messages have been great; I don't feel so alone with this whole process. I figure, one day at a time!
Amy from Pennsylvania
It’s been a long, long fight. Some years ago, I was able to stop smoking for at least one year, believe me. And, to be honest, it was very hard to pick up the addition again. This time I plan to forever get rid of it. I know I will not survive this if I don’t put it away now. I will again resist to the cravings and win again the fight. You all can do it as well. Thanks for your messages.
30 year Smoker on his 3rd smoke free day. Hardest thing isn't the cigarette cravings; it's the being tired. I'll have these movements when I'm reading and then BAM, out of the blue; I have to take a nap. I know its part of the healing. This is the one thing everybody who smokes dreads, the day you face the addiction and for me...well, am surprised at how when I gave myself no choice (smoking just will not be one of the options), it was easier than I thought. I know I'm done, I see myself as a non-smoker now and that is huge. Good luck to you, you can do it!!
Mark from Colorado
I have smoked for about 14 years. Today is my 3rd day without a smoke and I feel awesome! I have been depressed and full of tension for years. No energy, crying all the time. I thought the cigarettes helped but I was wrong. I have never felt happier than I do today on my 3rd nicotine free day. I have worked out 60 minutes every day on an elliptical (to ignore my in the morning cravings and to counteract weight gain). I have eaten a lot of fruit and veggies and drank lots of water and green tea. I think this has helped me purge the nicotine out of my system quicker. I have never felt so energetic and alive since I was a kid! PLEASE, quit smoking! I used to say that I smoked because I liked to, but I am a non-smoker now because I like this a whole lot better. Good luck everyone!
Leigh from Iowa
My friend Rebecca just died of lung cancer at age 57 after smoking since her teenage years. She was beautiful and brilliant, a Ph.D-educated woman who made a foolish choice early in life. I asked her to quit any number of times but she could never do it, and it finally killed her. I loved her dearly and her death leaves many empty hearts. Please, for yourself and those who love you, don't smoke.
I smoked for 25 years and when I decided to quit it was the hardest thing I ever had to do. It’s so easy to start but very hard to put down. I have been smoke free for a year. So I say if I can do it anybody can do it. You must have faith in yourself to quit!
Nina from Illinois
Well this is my 4th time trying to quit smoking and I hope I do it this time. I have smoked a pack a day for almost 22 years and I’d really like to see all my kids graduate and marry and my youngest will be 4. The last time I tried I lasted 6 weeks. I really hope I can do it for my kids’ sake.
Jackie from West Virginia

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Content last updated May 2, 2006.

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