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Smoking & How to Quit
Smoking & How to Quit

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I turned 40 in August and decided it was time to give up my "pacifier" and quit smoking (after 26 years) on October 22nd, one week before my son's 21st birthday. He has always hated that I smoked because he wants me around. It's been hard but around 12 weeks of not smoking it was almost like an epiphany finally grabbed hold of me (as my emotions were off the wall for 3 months) and I realized I did the right thing and wasn't obsessed with it anymore and will never pick up a cigarette again. I didn't gain any weight (I have always been thin w/ a good metabolism) because I knew a candy bar was not going to give me the same pleasure I got from a cigarette. I just want to let you woman out there know it CAN be done and it does get better (even though my husband hasn't stuck with it and it breaks my heart)! There's another great website called you should look into. Keep up the great work!
Laurie from Massachusetts
I've been smoking since I was 13, and now I'm 28. This is my 4th quit. I quit in 2004 for almost 2 years, and started again. I'm 39 days into my quit and still think about smoking. I have improved so much physically since I quit for even the first time. My first quit I was so worried that I'd gain weight that I joined curves and started working out. I lost almost 25 inches, and I lost 25 pounds. I have maintained that loss even with quitting and starting, quitting and starting. My most recent quit I shaved off 2 minutes off my running time for a mile. I am very proud of myself for sticking to this. If I can quit with a husband that still smokes in the house, anyone can!
Kelly from Minnesota
Well, here I am. My quit date is set for Mar 31. After smoking for 33 years, coming down with bronchitis every winter and still fighting a sinus infection now for 2 months -- I decided it's time. I'm having trouble breathing, tired of coughing and hate the money I'm wasting. The past 15 years, my doctor has been pleading with me to stop. It recently dawned on me--I viewed smoking as my reward; it no longer is. I am still young and I want to enjoy the rest of my life. My Mom quit 20 years ago; when I was younger she told me she would never quit, but she did. I am using a calendar to mark off the days and a jar for the money I would spend every day on cigarettes. I'm looking forward to watching both add up. I feel very strongly that I will be successful. I've read many of your comments and all of you are inspiring me to succeed! Thank you!
Patti from Ohio
I am 47 years old and have smoked since I was 15. I quit for two years and like a fool started smoking again. I have spent the better part of the last 2 years quitting and smoking, quitting and smoking-playing the games we all play. In December of 2007 my Dad was diagnosed with lung cancer-also a smoker. I continued to smoke until February 9 2008. Dad was in the hospital and I stood watching him gasp for air...I couldn't justify lighting up a cigarette watching what this man I love so much was going through. Sadly my Dad died on February 28, 2008. Cause of death 60 years of smoking! My heart is broken, and the urge to smoke has been ever present but I cannot and will not go back to the very poison that took my fathers life.
Mary from New York
I am so happy that I stumbled across this site!! I have not smoked in 3 weeks, but over the past few days the cravings have been strong. Now instead of thinking of smoking, I have found encouragement. I know that I can do it. Thanks!
L. from Texas
I’m 67 years old, I smoked for 53 years, approximately 2 packs a day. In the last 5 yrs I have contacted bronchitis approximately 4 times a year, constantly coughing, wheezing and getting sinus infections (not to mention I’m a diabetic.). On December 1, 2007 I woke up to my coffee and cigarette, which I loved, but said to my self, I'm tired of coughing up pus. I took my cigarettes and crushed them up. To this day I have not smoked a cigarette. 3 and a half months and I hate the thought of smoking. I studied yoga, and had a rubber band on my wrist to snap when I wanted a cigarette. trust me it feels better than smoking.
Larry from Indiana
I quit October 22, 2007 for the first time since I started smoking 12 years ago. I decided that I wanted to quit to start a family. I talked to my doctor about my prescription drug options. We chose one and it worked better than I could have ever hoped. It got me through the first few days and the cravings, and then it got me through the next couple of months and the habit.
Mandy from New York
I had my last cigarette 21 days ago.I have tried to quit before their always seemed to be some "crisis" that I used as a excuse to start again. This time I talked to my doctor about prescription drug options and even used the "best days" article from Farmers Almanac. So far so good. I don't really have any problems with wanting a smoke. I was a hard core smoker and this is never easy for anyone, but this is what is working for me.
Angie from Kentucky
I have smoked for over 45 years, and have tried to quit so many times I can't count them. A month ago I made a commitment to quit and have stuck with it. Some days are worse than others but I am getting through the cravings more easily each day. I am more motivated also when I see money that would have gone for a pack of cigarettes put aside in a container each day, seeing how fast it is growing and knowing I will spend it on.
jeanne from California
Yeah!!! Next month will be my two year anniversary of being a non-smoker. I wanted to quit after over 20 years of smoking, however, just couldn't seem to do it. Until...I could no longer breath properly. I spent four days in the hospital with IV antibiotics, breathing treatments, and oxygen. I never smoked again. Yeah!!! Good luck to you all.
Kitty from Ohio

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Content last updated March 31, 2008.

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