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Smoking & How to Quit
Smoking & How to Quit

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When joining the military, I had to quit for basic training. When I arrived at AIT, I was also told I couldn't smoke, but the Drill Sergeants weren't following us everywhere. So after 16 weeks of quitting, I started smoking again. Today (two years later) I have 8 days without a cigarette - on my own terms. I don't know about anyone else, but I have been running everyday. Something about being able to breathe and pound out the stress on the road helps. I always have my running shoes and a change of clothes with me. I can run before work, at lunch, after work - whenever. Knowing I can handle my stress this constructive way helps!! I now know I cannot smoke just one or just have a drag. I am an addict and cannot control myself. Therefore, I will not smoke. Good luck to everyone else.
Michele from Texas
I began smoking when I moved to California at age 24. I began hanging out with smokers. My parents smoked all throughout my childhood, and because of that, I said I would never smoke. Well, not sure if I started to deal with the smokers, or because the smell held a sense of home for me, but now, 11 years later, I still smoke. I am now suffering from my second sinus and respiratory infection in six months. I didn't smoke for a day, then for two days, and now it's been 4 days. I was a non-smoker and I want to be one again. Day 4 is proving to be the most difficult so far, but I want to be stronger than my addiction. I am stronger than my addiction -- we are all stronger than our addiction. Cigarettes don’t force their way into our lives; we invite them. It's our choice, our money, and our own personal demons that invite the bad company. I don't know about you, but I am tired of keeping bad company around. It does nothing but put me down. Good luck!
Edie from California
I am 28, and have decided to quit smoking. I have quit in the past for several months at a time, but went back. This time I will succeed. I watched my dad die of COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) right before my eyes, and he told me to quit. I also have an 18-month-old son who deserves a mom. I really enjoyed your stories.
Sue from Tennessee
I have been smoking for over twenty years and finally stopped about 8-10 weeks ago! It is amazing after all these years of smoking; you really have your taste buds and sense of smell back. I know it is a very hard thing to do and I hope and pray that I never go back to it after being smoke free for so long. I believe that it is a very hard habit to break. Any anyone who quits deserves recognition to the fullest! Best of luck to everyone who is trying to stop smoking!
Leslie from New Jersey
I am 45 years old and quit smoking ten weeks ago and I am doing very well. I have been smoking since I was young. My mom died last year of lung cancer and she would be very proud of me now that I have quit smoking. I wish everyone the best and good luck in quitting, it is a very addictive habit that I hope I will never return too. Good luck to you all!!!!
Anonymous from New Jersey
I started smoking when I was young. That was the cool thing to do and the bad effects of smoking were not publicized then, if they were known. No warnings on the packs. Even the doctors smoked! Now I'm 56 and I quit 2 months ago. Today I mostly think of myself as a non-smoker. And my first grandchild, who is due in July, will never know me as a smoking grandma. And I'll be around and, hopefully, healthy enough to keep up with that blessing and see him grow up. Life is good!
Jan from Indiana
I started smoking around the age of 18, 20 years later, at 38, I haven't smoked a cigarette for a full week. I quit for ME, and my 2-year-old son. My oldest son is 19, and a non-smoker, he hates them, so he was very pleased I quit. I was up to 2 packs a day, sometimes more. I have had nasty sinus drainage, and a wicked cough, but I know in time all of this will pass. I am very proud of myself, and I hope this will inspire others to stop as well. It's the best decision I've made in a long time. I will never smoke again.
Mary Jo from Kentucky
I can't believe it-this is almost my third week and I'm STILL a non-smoker. After more than 20 years I quit-and you can too. Don't let the fear of withdrawal stop you from wanting to quit. It is not at all like you imagine (our imaginations are dangerously powerful sometimes). You are more powerful than the drug nicotine.
Cheryl from California
I smoked for almost 20 years and I have tried to quit numerous times but never got past 3-4 days. My fiancee and I both quit on January 5th of this year, he has been extremely supportive. I will never say quitting is easy. It is a long road and you have to take it literally moment by moment. If I think, "I'll never smoke again" it seems like an impossible task. In the end, I believe your success truly depends on how badly you really want to quit. Good luck everyone and stay strong!
Nicole from Florida
I have been smoke free for 11 days. I began smoking cigarettes 20 years ago. I cannot believe the amount of time that has passed with me smoking. I have felt the effects of smoking for the last 4 or 5 years. Upper respiratory issues, shortness of breath, etc., I promised myself every year that I would quit on my birthday. For the last three birthdays, I disappointed myself. On this last birthday, I decided on the spot to not smoke another cigarette. The next day I decided to see what 24 hours would feel like and keep going like that. The cravings are difficult but pass quickly especially if you occupy yourself otherwise. Thanks for listening. Good luck to all.
Anonymous from Maryland

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Content last updated March 26, 2006.

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