Tazewell County Disaster Relief Tops $900,000 

Release Date: July 27, 2001
Release Number: 1386-11

» More Information on Virginia Severe Storms & Flooding

Tazewell, VA -- In the two weeks since a presidential declaration enabled residents of Tazewell County to register for a wide range of Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and state recovery programs, 408 individuals and families have applied for some form of disaster assistance according to officials overseeing recovery efforts.

Marianne C. Jackson, federal coordinating officer, said that $914,325 in grants and loans has been approved for eligible county recipients and a steady stream of assistance checks are being issued daily.

According to Jackson, the largest portion of federal-state assistance has gone to meet emergency housing, home repair, replacement of lost essential property and temporary housing needs. Jackson said that 338 residents have applied for disaster housing assistance and nearly 75% of the required inspections verifying housing damage have been completed.

FEMA and Virginia disaster assistance includes grants for emergency disaster housing and essential repairs, individual and family grants and low-interest loans from the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA).

Disaster assistance totals in brief (through close-of-business, Thursday July 26, 6 p.m.):

Type:  Applicants Approved Amount To date
Disaster Housing Grants 338 217 $551,854
Individual/Family Grants 153  40 $176,171
SBA Loans 45  9 $186,300

Ralph Jones, state coordinating officer, said that the quick delivery of assistance checks to flood victims also benefits area businesses as well as residents. "Flood survivors help local workers, contractors, and businesses get back on their feet when they use their checks to purchase needed supplies and services in their community," Jones said.

Jones noted that the boost to the local economy made it all the more important that county residents who suffered flood damage register for assistance. "You won't be taking from anyone else," Jones said. "The money is there for all eligible losses, and can be put to work to help yourself and indirectly help others."

Officials urged households with flood-related damage to call the FEMA toll-free teleregistration number at 1-800-462-9029 or (TTY) 1-800-462-7585, for those who use special keyboard equipment. The lines are open from 7a.m. to 7p.m. seven days a week.

The FEMA -Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM) Disaster Recovery Center at 607 Market Street in North Tazewell remains open Monday-Saturday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., Sunday, noon-6 p.m. Disaster recovery specialists staff the center to answer applicant questions and provide information about available state and federal programs. No appointment is necessary. Officials said that previously registered applicants are not required to come to a center, but are welcome to visit for face-to-face answers to questions or to seek other information.

In addition, a fully staffed mobile Disaster Recovery Center will be visiting Bluefield Va., Pocahontas, Va., and Bishop, Va., to provide disaster-related information and assist applicants with their registrations.

Schedule of stops:

Last Modified: Thursday, 09-Oct-2003 16:27:18