FEMA Delivers $114 Million To Florida Cities And Counties 

Half of Funding Provided Under Expedited Process

Release Date: March 16, 2005
Release Number: 1539-403

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ORLANDO, Fla. -- Department of Homeland Security Under Secretary Michael D. Brown today announced more than $114 million in funding for Florida communities hurricane recovery efforts. Almost half of the funding, which is being distributed by the Department’s Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), comes from an expedited funding process to advance local governments funds to pay for eligible debris removal costs and emergency protective measures. FEMA has been working with Florida legislators and local officials in easing the financial burden to local communities during the recovery process from last year’s storms.

“Communities have many financial challenges after disasters, and these funds will help those that have had to deplete their financial resources to respond to the hurricanes,” said Brown.

The expedited FEMA funding process provides money for expenses such as overtime, equipment, materials and contracts for emergency work. Applicants are advanced up to 50 percent of eligible emergency work estimates being processed by the State of Florida and FEMA.

In addition to the expedited funding, FEMA also announced obligation of more than $57.8 million in funding to Florida communities for other damaged public infrastructure projects. To date, FEMA has obligated more than $600 million in public assistance funds for local governments.

An attachment to this release outlines the list of communities throughout the state, the amount of money being obligated, and which amounts are funded through the expedited process.

FEMA and Florida SERT officials continue to work with local governments to determine additional eligible projects for expedited funding. Requests for public assistance reimbursements must be submitted through the normal procedures and, funds advanced through expedited funding will be offset against final approved projects.

The State Emergency Response Team (SERT) is a collaboration of Florida’s state agencies led by the state coordinating officer. SERT’s mission is to ensure that Florida is prepared to respond to emergencies, recover from them, and mitigate their impacts. Visit www.floridadisaster.org for the latest information on the hurricane relief efforts.

FEMA prepares the nation for all hazards and manages federal response and recovery efforts following any national incident. FEMA also initiates mitigation activities, trains first responders, works with state and local emergency managers, and manages the National Flood Insurance Program and the U.S. Fire Administration. FEMA became part of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security on March 1, 2003.

Last Modified: Wednesday, 16-Mar-2005 14:43:59