FEMA'S Inspector General Responsible for Audits and Investigations in Connection with Cerro Grande Fire Assistance Act Operation 

Release Date: October 25, 2000
Release Number: HQ-00-CG16

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The independent law enforcement arm of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has issued a reminder that it is responsible for auditing and investigating programs and operations in connection with the Cerro Grande Fire Assistance Act.

Federal law requires the Office of the Inspector General (OIG) to conduct audits and investigate possible fraudulent activities in all federal operations to assure that taxpayers' dollars are being spent according to applicable laws and regulations. The U.S. Department of Justice prosecutes cases that result in criminal charges.

FEMA's Inspector General is responsible for investigating agency programs and operations, including claims under the Cerro Grande Fire Assistance Act. Conducting audits and investigating possible fraudulent activities is standard procedure in all federal disaster operations.

"The large majority of people who seek assistance from the federal government following a disaster are honest and forthright about their losses," said Joe Sullivan, assistant inspector general for the Investigations Division of FEMA's Office of the Inspector General. "However, there are times that a few people try to take advantage."

Persons claiming false losses can be charged with a felony and, if convicted, face a maximum five- to 10-year prison term and/or up to $250,000 in fines.

The OIG operates the FEMA Fraud Hotline and leads multi-jurisdictional fraud task forces that can include the Small Business Administration, the FBI and the Army Criminal Investigations Division, among others.

"Federal aid is paid with taxpayers' money and we will enforce the law to protect honest citizens," Sullivan said, adding that anyone who is aware of criminal activity regarding FEMA assistance can anonymously report the information directly to the OIG by calling the toll-free fraud hotline at 1-800-323-8603 . The hotline is in operation 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 30-Dec-2003 16:45:47