St. James Parish Receives Funding for Water Treatment Plant 

Release Date: August 9, 2007
Release Number: 1603-678

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NEW ORLEANS, La. -- A recently approved grant from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will help the state of Louisiana retrofit the Convent Water Treatment Plant, protecting the building from future hurricanes and severe weather.

"Nearly 6,800 residents of St. James Parish rely on the clean water produced by the Convent plant. By strengthening the plant's defenses against future storms, we preserve a valuable resource necessary to sustain the members of this community," said Jim Stark, FEMA's director of the Louisiana Transitional Recovery Office.

Obligated under FEMA's Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP), the $554,963 grant monies are earmarked to relocate the electrical and water process controls to an elevated and protected section of the building. The project also includes installation of Miami Dade (category 5 rated) hurricane shutters and the retrofitting of doors with wind and flood protection panels. These mitigation measures will ensure safe drinking water after a storm and the ability of the water treatment plant to produce enough water to fight potential fires.

Parish President Dale Hymel, Jr. stated, "Hurricane Katrina taught us how important maintaining public infrastructure is during response, but even more so in recovery. Since people depend on governmental services each and every day, any disruption in those services can have a critical effect on their lives."

Hymel went on to say, "The federal, state and local government exists to serve and protect our citizens. The Hazard Mitigation Program is an important tool in obtaining that objective. St. James Parish is committed to working with all levels of government to assist, protect and provide for all our citizens."

When projects are obligated by FEMA through the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program, the funds are transferred to a Smartlink account. This allows the grantee, the Governor's Office of Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness, to draw down the funds as quickly as possible. The state may require additional information from the subgrantee before disbursing the funds.

The HMGP provides grants to states and local governments to implement long-term hazard mitigation measures after a major disaster declaration, to reduce the loss of life and property due to natural disasters and to enable mitigation measures to be implemented during the immediate recovery from a disaster.

FEMA coordinates the federal government's role in preparing for, preventing, mitigating the effects of, responding to and recovering from all domestic disasters, whether natural or man-made, including acts of terror.

Last Modified: Thursday, 09-Aug-2007 09:50:34