New Director Named to Head Cerro Grande Fire Assistance Program 

Release Date: November 2, 2000
Release Number: HQ-00-CG06

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Donald Erbach has been named director of the ongoing recovery efforts for the Cerro Grande Fire Assistance Act.

"I'm very pleased to have Donald Erbach on board to continue coordination of the Cerro Grande Fire recovery efforts," said James Lee Witt, director of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). "I have the utmost confidence in his ability to carry forth FEMA's mission to compensate those who suffered losses covered under the Cerro Grande Fire Assistance Act."

Prior to accepting the position, Erbach was senior advisor to the chairman of the Federal Communications Commission, Washington, where he advised the chairman on policy issues and legislative strategy.

He was former deputy state administrator and assistant to the chief of staff for U.S. Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa, and he served as liaison between the senator and Iowa business leaders on economic development projects and issues.

"This transition period in the administration of the Cerro Grande Fire Claims Assistance Program is what we anticipated. We are bringing in permanent 13-month positions including the hiring of local residents to assist with this compensation program," Erbach said.

"I want to assure all of those who have been affected by the fires that everyone involved in the administration of the Cerro Grande Fire Assistance Act is committed to this mission and carrying out what the Act intended," he added.

Erbach replaces David de Courcy who has returned to Seattle to resume his duties as Director of FEMA's Region X.

"This has been a very rewarding experience and keeping with the efforts to ensure a consistent, long-term presence - which this community deserves, I have decided to step down from the position as director," de Courcey said.

"I believe Don will be extremely successful in maintaining the policies that have already been established, and I believe he will develop compassionate, reasonable policies for those issues yet to be addressed," he added.

Last Modified: Monday, 29-Dec-2003 15:28:56