New Director Of FEMA's Region X Appointed 

Release Date: December 7, 2001
Release Number: HQ-01-174

» 2001 Region X News Releases

Official portrait of Region X Regional Director, John Pennington
Official portrait of Region X Regional Director, John Pennington

Washington, DC - Washington State Representative John Pennington has been appointed director of Region X for the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), FEMA Director Joe M. Allbaugh announced today. FEMA's Region X is headquartered in Bothell, Wash., and oversees agency operations in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington.

"John's years of experience as a state legislator will make him very effective as my representative," said Allbaugh. "His knowledge of the needs and capabilities of state and local leaders will be invaluable as FEMA works with its partners on preparedness for, and response to, disasters."

Pennington was first elected to serve in the Washington State House of Representatives in 1994, and has been the Republican Speaker Pro Tempore since 1996. In his four terms of office, Pennington has been active on such House committees as Finance, Natural Resources, Rules and Health Care. He also chairs the National Conference of State Legislatures Advisory Council on Energy and represents the Pacific Northwest states on an Environment Protection Agency's national air quality panel.

During his tenure, three federal disasters were declared in or near Pennington's district, including a 1998 landslide where he was instrumental in obtaining the declaration. His district was also struck by floods in 1996 and by the Nisqually earthquake in 2001. Pennington successfully pushed legislation through the state legislature to suspend sales tax on rebuilding or reconstruction following the 1996 flood.

Pennington holds a bachelor of science degree in business from California Coast University.

Last Modified: Monday, 27-Oct-2003 12:47:17