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Code of Federal Regulations Pertaining to ESA

Title 29  



Chapter V  

Wage and Hour Division, Department of Labor



Part 519  

Employment of Full-Time Students At Subminimum Wages




Subpart A  

Retail or Service Establishments, and Agriculture

29 CFR 519.6 - Terms and conditions of employment under full-time student certificates and under temporary authorization.

  • Section Number: 519.6
  • Section Name: Terms and conditions of employment under full-time student certificates and under temporary authorization.

    (a) A full-time student certificate will not be issued for a period 
longer than 1 year, nor will it be issued retroactively. It shall 
specify its effective and expiration dates. A copy of the certificate 
shall be posted during its effective period in a conspicuous place or 
places in the establishment or at the farm readily visable to all 
employees, for example, adjacent to the time clock or on the bulletin 
board used for notices to the employees. If temporary authorization is 
in effect under paragraph (a) of Sec. 519.4 of this subpart, a notice 
thereof shall be similarly posted during the effective period of such 
    (b) Full-time students may not be employed under a certificate at 
less than 85 percent of the minimum wage applicable under section 6 of 
the Act.
    (c) For retail or service establishment employers or agricultural 
employers, the allowable extent of full-time student employment under 
certificates varies depending on whether: (1) The employer proposes to 
employ no more than six full-time students at subminimum wages on any 
workday, (2) the applicant requests authority for not more than 10 
percent of the total hours of all employees during any month, or (3) the 
applicant requests authority for more than 10 percent of the total hours 
during any month. (For agricultural employers, the month of full-time 
student certificated employment may vary somewhat from the month in a 
previous year on which the certificate is based, depending on seasonal 
    (d) Retail or service establishment employers or agricultural 
employers requesting authorization to employ not more than six full-time 
students at subminimum wages on any workday. An application from such an 
applicant provides temporary authorization for the employment of full-
time students at subminimum wages: Provided, The conditions set forth in 
paragraph (a) of Sec. 519.4 of this subpart are met. Upon review of the 
application by the Administration or his/her authorized representative, 
the extent of the temporary authority may be modified.
    (e) Applicants requesting authorization for not more than 10 percent 
of the total hours of all employees during any month. For such an 
applicant, certificates may authorize the employment of full-time 
student at subminimum wages for up to 10 percent of the total hours of 
all employees during any month, regardless of past practice of employing 
students. (Note: An establishment which has not previously held a 
certificate may be authorized 10 percent of the total hours of all 
employees during any month. Applicants requesting authority under this 
paragraph need not refer to paragraphs (f), (g), or (h) of this 
    (f) Applicants reguesting authorization for more than 10 percent of 
the total monthly hours of all employees during
any month with records of hours of employment of students and coverage 
by the Act prior to May 1974. For such an applicant, certificates may 
not authorize full-time student employment at subminimum wages in excess 
of the highest ratio under any of these three formulas: (1) The 
proportion of student hours of employment (i.e., of full-time students 
under certificates) to total hours of all employees for the 
corresponding month of the preceding twelve-month period; (2) the 
maximum proportion of student hours of employment to total hours of all 
employees (in any corresponding month), applicable to the issuance of 
full-time student certificates before May 1974; or (3) 10 percent of the 
total hours of all employees, during any month. (Note: An establishment 
which is entitled to monthly allowances ranging from 5 to 20 percent may 
be authorized 10 percent for those months which were less than 10 
percent and retain the higher allowances for those months above 10 
    (g) Applicants requesting authorization for more than 10 percent of 
the total hours of all employees during any month with records of hours 
of employment of students and new coverage under the 1974 Amendments. 
For such an applicant, the highest permissible allowance under a 
certificate during any month is the highest ratio under any of these 
three formulas: (1) The proportion of hours of employment of full-time 
students to total hours of all employees during the corresponding month 
from May 1973 through April 1974; (2) the proportion of student hours of 
employment (i.e., of hours of full-time students under certificates) to 
total hours of all employees during the corresponding month of the 
preceding twelve-month period (an alternative which is not applicable to 
all months of the year until 12 months after May 1, 1974); or (3) 10 
percent of the total hours of all employees, during any month. (See 
notes under paragraphs (e) and (f) of this section.)
    (h) Applicants requesting authorization for more than 10 percent of 
the total hours of all employees during any month without records of 
student hours worked. For such an applicant, the permissible proportion 
under certificate of full-time student hours at subminimum wages to 
total hours of all employees is based on the ``practice'' during the 
preceding twelve-month period of: (1) Similar establishments of the same 
employer in the same general metropolitan areas in which such 
establishment is located: (2) similar establishments in the same or 
nearby communities if such establishment is not in a metropolitan area; 
or (3) other establishments of the same general character operating in 
the community or the nearest comparable community. (``Practice'' means 
either the certificate allowances or the proportion between the actual 
student hours of employment to the total hours of all employees.)
    (i) An overestimate of total hours of employment of all employees 
for a current month resulting in the employment of the full-time 
students in excess of the hours authorized in paragraph (e), (f), (g), 
or (h) of this section may be corrected by compensating them for the 
difference between the subminimum wages actually paid and the applicable 
minimum under section 6 of the Act for the excess hours. Similarly, if 
an agricultural employer or a retail or service establishment employer 
has authorization to employ no more than six full-time students at 
subminimum wages on any workday but exceeds that number, the excess may 
be corrected by compensating the additional full-time students for the 
difference between the subminimum wages actually paid and the applicable 
minimum under section 6 of the Act. This additional compensation shall 
be paid on the regular payday next after the end of the period.
    (j) Full-time students shall not be permitted to work at subminimum 
wages for more than 8 hours a day, nor for more than 40 hours a week 
when school is not in session, nor more than 20 hours a week when school 
is in session (apart from a full-time student's summer vacation), except 
that when a full-day school holiday occurs on a day when the 
establishment is open for business, the weekly limitation on the maximum 
number of hours which may be worked shall be increased by 8 hours for 
each such holiday but in no event shall the 40-hour limitation be 
exceeded. (Note: School is considered to be in session for a student 
attending summer
school.) Whenever a full-time student is employed for more than 20 hours 
in any workweek in conformance with this paragraph, the employer shall 
note in his/her payroll records that school was not in session during 
all or part of that workweek or the student was in his/her summer 
    (k) Neither oppressive child labor as defined in section 3(1) of the 
Act and regulations issued under the Act nor any other employment in 
violation of a Federal, State or local child labor law or ordinance 
shall come within the terms of any certificate issued under this 
    (l) Full-time students shall be employed at subminimum wages under 
this subpart only outside of their school hours, i.e., only outside of 
the scheduled hours of instruction of the individual student, or, in the 
case of agriculture, only outside of school hours for the school 
district where the employee is living while so employed, if the employee 
is under 16 years of age.
    (m) No full-time student shall be hired under a full-time student 
certificate while abnormal labor conditions, such as a strike or 
lockout, exist at the establishment or farm.
    (n) No provision of any full-time student certificate shall excuse 
noncompliance with higher standards applicable to full-time students 
which may be established under the Walsh-Healey Public Contracts Act or 
any other Federal law, State law, local ordinance, or union or other 
agreement. Thus, certificates issued under this law have no application 
to employment under the Service Contract Act.
    (o) No full-time student certificate shall apply to any employee to 
whom a certificate issued under section 14 (a) or (c) of the Act has 
[40 FR 6329, Feb. 11, 1975; 40 FR 22546, May 23, 1975, as amended at 42 
FR 58745, Nov. 11, 1977]
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