Part 1: Western Hemisphere - Caribbean Sea - Central America
Part 2: North America - South America


27. [Chart of the Pacific Coast extending from northern Chile to Mexico]. [16th century]. Colored pen-and-ink ms. on vellum, 33 x 85 cm. Scale not given. (Vellum Chart; 10).

This Spanish portolan chart depicts the Pacific coastline from northern Chile to Mexico. Chart appears to be unfinished as it does not include towns or cities, nor does it identify coastal features. By contrast, its technical and decorative elements are well-executed. It includes a large decorative wind rose and drawings of 3 vessels (2 of them finished).

Vellum Chart 10 Vault

South America--Pacific Coast/Central America--Pacific Coast/North America--Pacific Coast

28. [Chart of the Pacific Coast extending from Peru to Guatemala and including the Galápagos Islands]. [16th century]. Colored pen-and-ink ms. on vellum, 33 1/2 x 61 1/2 cm. Scale not given. (Vellum Chart; 9).

This is a detailed Spanish portolan chart of the Pacific Coast from Peru to Guatemala and includes the Galapagos Islands. Chart shows coastline, coastal features, many coastal towns and settlements, and occasional references to interior towns and cities. Although chart is typical of portolan charts in emphasizing the coast, it also includes stylized buildings and groups of buildings representing interior cities and towns, some identified e.g., "qujto", "granada", and "leon". Chart also includes decorative wind roses and drawings of four large colorful birds.

Vellum Chart 9 Vault

South America--Pacific Coast/Central America--Pacific Coast/Galápagos Islands, Ecuador

De Eylanden En Vastelanden Van Westindien...
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29. De Eylanden En Vastelanden Van Westindien Bischryvten door Joan Vingboons [Atlantic Coast of North America and the Caribbean Region]. Vingboons, Joan. [1665-1670]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 48 x 69 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1:7,000,000. (Harrisse; Volume I, Map 1).

This 17th century Dutch map of the coasts of North America and South America extending from Virginia through the Yucatan Peninsula to Guyana in South America includes coastline, coastal features, navigational hazards, islands, settlements, numerous rhumb lines, and a decorative wind rose. This map recognizes early Spanish sites along the North Atlantic coast including St. Augustine, Santa Elena, and Barra de Madre de Dios (Chesapeake Bay). Map also shows location of the island of Guanahani in the Bahamas. Vingboons, a cartographer in the employ of the Dutch West India Company, produced maps for over 30 years for use by Dutch mercantile and military shipping. This map is part of the Henry Harrisse manuscript collection and was acquired when the papers of the Hulst van Keulen firm were sold.

Vingboons Vol. I, Map 1, Harrisse Collection Vault

Caribbean Sea/Gulf of Mexico/United States--Atlantic Coast/United States--Gulf Coast/South America--North Coast/West Indies

Descripcion De las Costas, Islas Placeres...
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30. Descripcion De las Costas, Islas Placeres i Bajos de las Indias Occidentales, Corregida i Calculada Meridiano dela Isla De Theneriphe Enlas Canarias...[Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea]. Alcantara Espinosa, Pedro. Campeche. 1765. Colored pen-and-ink ms. on vellum, 62 1/2 x 94 cm. Scale ca. 1:5,000,000. (Vellum Chart; 32). 75-695815.

This is a well-executed Spanish map of the West Indies and mainland coastline extending from Cape Hatteras to the mouth of the Orinoco River. Map also includes coastal features, navigational hazards, numerous islands, cities and towns, rivers and streams, names of islands, regions, and provinces, and two ornate cartouches. In one of the cartouches, a note reads, "Sirbe Para Domingo De Belasco Piloto Del Paquibot Del Rei El Cortes". In style, map appears archaic as it reflects an earlier cartographic presentation.

G4391 .P5 1765 .P8 Vault (Vellum Chart 32)

Caribbean Sea/West Indies/Gulf of Mexico/United States--Atlantic Coast/ South America--North Coast

31. Descripcion De Las Yndias Ocidentales [Western Hemisphere]. Torquemada, Fr. Juan de. Madrid. : 1723. Colored pen-and-ink tracing on linen, 22 1/2 x 31 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1:80,000,000. 93-684789.

This map of the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, the western hemisphere, and portions of Europe and East Asia, includes coastlines, coastal features, streams, pictorial representation of mountains ranges, a few settlements, provinces, and a country. Purpose of map is to emphasize areas of Spanish exploration and settlement, most notably the western hemisphere, especially Mexico, Central and South America, the Caribbean, and the Philippines. Also highlighted are lines of demarcation. Map is a copy of 1723 original by Juan de Torquemada.

G3290 1723 .T6 MLC Vault

Western Hemisphere

32. Descripcion o Carta Reducida de las costas de Tierra firme dela America Meridional enla Mar del Sur ô Pacifico. [Pacific Coast from Acapulco to Tierra del Fuego and Atlantic Coast of Argentina]. Mattos, Antonio de. San Lucar de Barrameda. 1734. Pencil, colored pen-and-ink ms. on vellum, 124 x 73 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1:9,500,000. (Vellum chart; 27).

This is a Spanish map of the coasts of Latin America extending from Acapulco to Argentina, with emphasis on the Pacific Coast. Map also includes coastal features, numerous cities and towns, many rhumb lines, and an ornate cartouche with the shield of Castille and León. The Pacific coastline from Acapulco to southern Chile has been completely redrawn to indicate substantial corrections, in all cases shifting the actual coastline to the west of the original plan. Of particular note is the careful changes made along the Chilean coast south of Valparaiso. In Tierra del Fuego, a note reads, "esta costa no esta B[ie]n conocida", and canals have been added in pencil. An incomplete island ("Costa de la Asuncion") appears east of the Patagonian coast at the same latitude as the Falkland Islands.

Vellum Chart 27 Vault

South America--Pacific Coast/Central America--Pacific Coast/Mexico--Pacific Coast/Argentina--Coast/Tierra del Fuego, Argentina/Strait of Magellan, Chile

33. La neufve Espagne [West Indies, Central America, and portions of North and South America]. [Vallard, Nic]. 1547. Pencil, pen-and-ink tracing, 38 x 50 cm. Scale ca. l:13,000,000.

This is a 19th century tracing, possibly by Johann Georg Kohl, of a 1547 original manuscript map by Vallard based on Portuguese sources. The map includes the areas under Spanish control surrounding the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico in the 16th century. This detailed early map includes images of indigenous peoples, animals, and vegetation. Map also includes coastlines, coastal features, navigational hazards, islands, towns and settlements, and an image of Tenochtitlan (Mexico City) based on the 1523 map supplied by Hernando Cortés in his letter to Charles V of Spain. This map is described as item 253 in The Kohl Collection of Maps Relating to America by Justin Winsor (Washington, 1904).

G3290 1547 .V Vault

Mexico/United States--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/United States--Southwest/Caribbean Sea/West Indies/Central America/South America--North Coast

34. Mapa G[ene]ral Del Nuevo Reyno De Granada Formado De Otros Particulares De Orden Del Ex[celísi]mo S[eñ]or Virrey D[on] José Espeleta Año D[e] 1790. Copiado De Orden Del Ex[celísi]mo S[eñ]or G[ene]ral En Gefe Del Exercito D[on] Pablo Morillo Año De 1816. [North Coast of South America, Costa Rica]. 1816. Colored pen-and-ink ms. on tracing linen, 57 x 225 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,400,000. 83-694558.

This Spanish map of the north coast of South America extending from the mouth of the Orinoco River to Costa Rica includes coastline, coastal features, islands, rivers and streams, cities, towns, and settlements, roads, and administrative boundaries. Pablo Morillo was commander of the Spanish forces in Nueva Granada during the wars of independence. This map was transferred to the Library of Congress from the collections of the Panama Canal Zone Library-Museum.

G3292 .L3 1816 .M3 PLC Vault

Venezuela/Colombia/Panama/Costa Rica/Netherlands Antilles

35. Nueva descripcion de la costa de Carthagena y Puerto Belo [Caribbean Coast of Colombia and Panama]. Enriques Barroto, Juan. 1685. Colored pen-and-ink tracing, 51 x 81 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,080,000. 84-694101.

This Spanish map of the Caribbean Coast of Colombia and both coasts of Panama includes coastline, coastal features, navigational hazards, rivers and stream, settlements, numerous rhumb lines, and two ornate wind roses. This map was transferred to the Library of Congress from the collections of the Panama Canal Zone Library-Museum.

G4870 1685 .E6 PCC Vault

Panama--Caribbean Coast/Colombia--Caribbean Coast

36. [Outline map of Latin America and the United States]. Jefferson, Thomas. Monticello. 1816. Pen-and-ink ms., 7 x 6 cm. Scale not given. (Jefferson Papers).

This small outline map of Latin America and the United States is an inset in a letter from President Thomas Jefferson to the celebrated author, Baronne de Staël-Holstein (Anne Louise Germaine Necker). In this 1816 letter, Jefferson responds to a request from Staël-Holstein for "information of the state of things in S. America". He describes what he believes will be the future divisions of an independent Latin America, and his map graphically illustrates the letter. As he states, "even our information on the state of things in the Spanish colonies is far from being distinct or certain; so that I can give you but a general idea of it. to do this we must throw that country into masses, considering Brazil as a nucleus, around which they are thus disposed. 1. Buenos Ayres, & the country South of Brazil. 2. Chili, Tucumana, & Peru, West of Brazil, & on the Pacific ocean. 3. Caraccas, & the country North of Brazil, on the gulf of Mexico. 4. Mexico, in the Northern continent." He then briefly describes current events occuring in each of these proposed divisions.

Letter of September 6, 1816, Jefferson Papers, Manuscript Division

North America/South America/Western Hemisphere

37. Vista del Puerto de Acapulco....[and] Ysla de Cocos [and] Costa del Perú [Mexico, Costa Rica, Ecuador]. [18th century]. 4 views on 1 sheet. Pen-and-ink ms., 48 x 68 cm. Not drawn to scale. (Maggs purchase map collection; 158). 90-683634.

This sheet contains four profiles of sites along the Pacific Coast of Mexico, Costa Rica, and Ecuador; each profile contains notes providing navigational and other information. Notes for profile views of Cocos Island and the Ecuadorian coast contain references to bird life. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4414 .A3A35 17-- .V5 Vault

Mexico--Pacific Coast/Costa Rica--Pacific Coast/Ecuador--Coast


38. Barro Nueva or New Shoal Bank and Petrel Island...containing a valuable deposit of Guano Discovered in 1866 [Caribbean Sea]. Gennett, G. W. 1866. 2 maps on 1 sheet, recto and verso. Colored pen-and-ink ms., each, 18 x 32 cm. Scales: recto, ca. 1:85,000 and verso, 1:10,800.

These maps of Petrel Island were intended to identify locations of guano deposits and include coastlines, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, navigational hazards, and various land features. The verso map, "Birds Eye View of Petrel Island on Barro Nueva or New Shoal Bank", also includes roads, wells, an anchored ship, and a U.S. flag flying over a building. Both maps are oriented with southeast at top.

G5292 .B3 1866 .B3 Vault

Caribbean Sea/Colombia

39. Carta esferica de la Canal entre Puerto Rico y Santo Domingo....[Puerto Rico]. Primera División. 1793. Pen-and-ink ms., 48 x 76 cm. Scale ca. 1:213,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 224). 90-683910.

This Spanish map, primarily of the west coast of Puerto Rico, includes coastlines, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, characteristics of the water bottom, and a few settlements. Map was prepared by cartographers aboard the the Spanish brigantines, Descubridor and Vigilante, in 1793. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4972 .C6 1793 .C3 Vault

Puerto Rico--Coast/Mona Passage/Caribbean Sea

40. Carta Esferica de las Yslas de S[a]n Martin, S[a]n Bartolome, y Anguila....[Saint Martin, Saint Barthélémy, and Anguilla]. Primera División. 1794. Pen-and-ink ms., 50 x 79 cm. Scale ca. 1:142,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 231). 90-683965.

This Spanish map includes coastlines, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, characteristics of the water bottom, fortifications, and a settlement. Map was prepared by cartographers aboard the Spanish brigantines Descubridor and Vigilante in 1794. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London.

G5072.S25 1794 .C3 Vault

St. Martin, West Indies/St. Barthélémy, West Indies/Anguilla, West Indies/Caribbean Sea

Descripcion de la Costa de Tierra Firme...
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41. Descripcion de la Costa de Tierra Firme desde el Cavo de la Agusa hasta la Barra de Palmas diga de la Trinidad. Con todas las Yslas, Bajos, Arrecifes &c [East Coast of Mexico and Central America and the islands of Cuba and Jamaica]. Cierto, Balentin. 1757. Pen-and-ink ms., 55 x 116 cm. Scale ca. 1:3,500,000. (Howe; 23).

Inset maps (2): "Plano de la Nueva Vera Cruz" and "Plano del Alacran".

This map of the Gulf and Caribbean coast extending from Mexico to Cartagena as well as including the islands of Jamaica and Cuba includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, fortifications, cities, towns, and settlements.

G4392 .C6 1757 .C5 Howe 23 Vault

Caribbean Sea/Mexico--Gulf Coast/Central America--Caribbean Coast/South America--North Coast/Cuba/Jamaica

Hispaniola and Puerto Rico
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42. [Hispaniola and Puerto Rico]. [Vingboons, Johannes. [1665-1670]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 50 x 71 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,650,000. (Harrisse; Volume I, Map 5).

This well-executed 17th century Dutch map of Hispaniola and Puerto Rico includes coastline, coastal features, navigational hazards, rhumb lines, settlements, administrative districts, streams, and pictorial representation of relief. Geographic names appear either in Spanish or Dutch. Vingboons, a cartographer in the employ of the Dutch West India Company, produced maps for over 30 years for use by Dutch mercantile and military shipping. This map is part of the Henry Harrisse manuscript collection, and was acquired when the papers of the Hulst van Keulen firm were sold.

Vingboons, Vol. I, Map 5, Harrisse Collection Vault

Hispaniola/Haiti/Dominican Republic/Puerto Rico

43. Map of the West Indies [Caribbean Sea]. Fowler, E. H. 1898. 1 map on 10 sheets. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 10 sheets when joined, 147 x 247 1/2 cm. Scale 1:1,200,000.

This large scale map of the Caribbean region includes the Caribbean islands, coastlines, coastal features, towns, cities, internal administrative boundaries (provinces of Cuba), international boundaries, and railroad lines in Cuba. A note clearly indicates map's purpose: "Map used by President McKinley in the War Room of the White House during the Spanish American war". A ship's track in blue from Martinique to Santiago de Cuba via Curaçao is accompanied by the note: "Course of [Pascual] Cevera's fleet as recorded in the War Room". Map is color coded to reflect U.S. and European possessions.

G4900 1898 .F Vault

West Indies/Caribbean Sea/Cuba/Haiti/Dominican Republic/Hispaniola/Jamaica/Bahamas/Puerto Rico

44. [Map showing Caribbean area including West Indies and Gulf of Mexico]. [mid-18th century]. Colored pen-and-ink ms. on vellum, 58 x 86 cm. Scale ca. 1:6,000,000. (Vellum Chart; 33). 75-695814.

This is a Spanish map of the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea, and mainland coastline from Cape Hatteras to the mouth of the Orinoco River. Map also includes coastal features, navigational hazards, rivers, streams, and other bodies of water, and cities and towns. Map also contains a keyed legend to the Florida Keys. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London and is identified as Maggs Collection 230. It is also identified as Vellum Chart Collection 33.

G4390 1770 .M3 Vellum 33 Vault

Gulf of Mexico/Caribbean Sea/West Indies/United States--Atlantic Coast/ South America--North Coast/Mexico--Gulf Coast/United States--Gulf Coast/Central America--Caribbean Coast

45. [Map showing Caribbean area including West Indies and Gulf of Mexico]. [ca. 1730]. Colored pen-and-ink ms. on vellum, 91 x 63 cm. Scale ca. 1:3,750,000. (Vellum chart; 23). 91-683696.

This Spanish map of the Gulf of Mexico and the Western Caribbean includes the entire coastline from the Florida Keys to Panama and the western portion of Cuba, coastal features, navigational hazards, islands, a fortification, and settlements. Map includes a keyed legend to the Florida Keys and to the north coast of Cuba. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London. This map is also identified as Maggs Collection 229b. This is one of two companion vellum charts depicting the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. The other chart is found under call number G4390 1730 .M31 Vellum 24 and is also identified as Maggs Collection 229a and as Vellum Chart 24.

G4390 1730 .M3 Vellum 23 Vault

Caribbean Sea/Gulf of Mexico/United States--Southeast/United States--Gulf Coast/Florida/Mexico--Gulf Coast/Central America--Caribbean Coast/Cuba

46. [Map showing Caribbean area, the West Indies, and the Western Atlantic Ocean]. [ca. 1730]. Colored pen-and-ink ms. on vellum, 73 x 61 cm. Scale ca. 1:3,750,000. (Vellum chart; 24). 91-683697.

This is a Spanish map of the Caribbean extending from central Cuba to the lesser Antilles and from the coastline of Panama to the Orinoco River. Map includes coastline, coastal features, navigational hazards, and cities and towns. Map includes a keyed legend to the north coast of Cuba. This vellum chart is also identified as Maggs 229a. This vellum chart is one of two companion maps of the Gulf of Mexico and the Caribbean. The other chart is found under call number G4390 1730 .M3 Vellum 23 and is identified as Vellum Chart 23. It is also identified as Maggs Collection 229b.

G4390 1730 .M31 Vellum 24

Caribbean Sea/West Indies/Puerto Rico/Dominican Republic/Haiti/Jamaica /Cuba/Panama--Caribbean Coast/Central America--Caribbean Coast/Colombia--Caribbean Coast/Venezuela--Coast/Lesser Antilles

47. [Map showing Gulf of Mexico including western portion of Caribbean area]. [ca. 1730]. Pen-and-ink ms. on vellum, 74 x 54 cm. Scale ca. 1:3,400,000. (Vellum chart; 25). 91-683704.

This is a Spanish map of the Gulf of Mexico and a portion of the Western Caribbean including the coastline from the west coast of Florida to Nicaragua and the western tip of Cuba. Map also includes coastal features, navigational hazards, cities, towns, and settlements, and pictorial representation of relief. The map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London and is identified as Maggs 274. It is also identified as Vellum chart 25.

G9112 .M4 1730 .M3 Vellum 25 Vault

Gulf of Mexico/Caribbean Sea/United States--Gulf Coast/United States--Southeast/Mexico--Gulf Coast/Central America--Caribbean Coast/Cuba--West Coast

48. [Map showing Gulf of Mexico including western portion of Caribbean area]. [ca. 1730]. Wash, pen-and-ink ms. on vellum, 77 x 63 cm. Scale ca. 1:3,600,000. (Vellum chart; 26). 91-683705.

This is a Spanish map of the Gulf of Mexico and a portion of the Western Caribbean including the coastline from eastern Florida to Panama and the western portion of Cuba. Map also includes coastal features, navagational hazards, islands, and cities and towns. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navigación, Cadiz, Spain purchased from Maggs Brothers, London. It is identified as Maggs Collection 275 and is also identified as Vellum chart 26.

G9112 .M4 1730 .M31 Vellum 26 Vault

Gulf of Mexico/Caribbean Sea/United States--Southeast/United States--Gulf Coast/Mexico--Gulf Coast/Mexico--Caribbean Coast/Panama--Caribbean Coast/Central America--Caribbean Coast/Cuba

Map showing portion of the Caribbean Sea from the Florida Keys to Nicaragua
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49. [Map showing portion of the Caribbean Sea from the Florida Keys to Nicaragua]. [late 18th century]. Pencil, colored pen-and-ink ms., 90 x 59 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,500,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 140). 90-683525.

This Spanish map depicts a portion of the Caribbean Sea from the Florida Keys to Nicaragua including the coast from Yucatan to Nicaragua, western Cuba, Grand Cayman, and the Bay Islands. Map includes coastlines, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, navigational hazards, settlements, and pencilled corrections of island locations. Map also includes a navigational track in red ink extending from the north coast of Cuba to the Bay Islands suggesting that it may have been prepared in 1782 at the time of Spanish reconquest of those islands. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4802 .C6 17-- .M33 Vault

Caribbean Sea/Central America--Caribbean Coast/Mexico--Caribbean Coast/ Cuba/Florida Keys/United States--Gulf Coast

50. Pedro Keys four in Number...containing a valuable deposit of Guano worth $20 and $25 per ton And 50 miles South of Jamaica W.I. This deposit of Guano was discoverd by Capt. J. W. Gennett in the Schooner Petrel in 1866 [Caribbean Sea off of Jamaica]. [after 1866]. Pencil, colored pen-and-ink ms., 41 x 31 cm. Scale not given.

Inset views (4): "No. 4. South Key...", "No. 1. North East Key...", "No. 2. Middle Key...", and "No. 3. South West Key...".

This pictographic map of the Southwest Key of Pedro Keys includes coastline, soundings, anchorages, a vessel, two houses, a flag, and pictorial representation of vegetation. A note by the two houses reads, "1500 ton Guano at the Landing". A note in the middle of the key reads, "250,000 tons Guano".

G4962 .P4A3 1866 .P4 Vault

Pedro Keys/Caribbean Sea

51. Plan of the Action between the English Fleet under the Command of S[i]r George Bridges Rodney...and the French Fleet commanded by Mons[ieur] Le Compte de Grasse...on the 12,th April 1782 Between the Islands of Guadelupe and Dominico. [Caribbean Sea]. Spear, J[un io]r, Joseph. 1782. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 46 x 67 cm. Scale not given.

This view of a "plan of action" between the English and French fleets in the sea between the islands Dominica and Guadeloupe shows "the position of the two Fleets, at the Time, when the Van Ship of the English, was Opposite the Rear Ship of the French." View includes an extensive keyed legend identifying each British and French vessel and their commanders. For English ships, the legend also includes the number of men killed and wounded in action.

G5071 .S3 1782 .S Vault

Caribbean Sea

52. Plano dela travesia desde Cartaxena à la Bivora Y[sla] ysla de Jamayca. [Jamaica, Colombia]. [late 18th century]. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 65 x 45 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,500,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 201). 90-683841.

This Spanish map of Caribbean Sea between Jamaica and the Colombian coast includes coastlines, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, and navigational hazards; map also includes Colombian islands of San Andrés and Providencia. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4392 .C3 17-- .P5 Vault

Caribbean Sea/Jamaica/Colombia--Caribbean Coast


53. [Area from the Plains of León to Ocotal, Nicaragua and west to Tegucigalpa, Honduras]. [Squier, Ephraim George ]. [1853?]. Pencil ms., 97 x 59 cm. Scale ca. 1:155,865. (Squier; 26).

This "strip map" of a portion Nicaragua and Honduras focuses on a track of a surveying party from the Plains of León to Ocotal with a branch to the Río Coco and another to Tegucigalpa. Map includes the track, rivers and streams, cities and towns, hachured relief, bearing points, and occasional notes and designations, e.g. "silver", "1st day", "2d day", "Valley of Coco", "confused jumble of Mts." etc. Ephraim Squier was a mid-19th century American entrepreneur, journalist, diplomat, archeologist, and scholar active in Central America and Peru.

Squier Collection 26 Vault

Nicaragua/Honduras/Central America

54. [Area of Honduras-Nicaragua border between Ríos Coco and Choluteca]. [Squier, George Ephraim ]. [1853?]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 20 x 30 cm. Scale ca. 1:253,440. (Squier; 23).

This map of a portion of the Honduras-Nicaragua border region includes rivers and streams, trails, towns, and distances between towns. North arrow humorously shown being shot by Indian, in upper left. Ephraim Squier was a mid-19th century American entrepreneur, journalist, diplomat, archeologist, and scholar active in Central America and Peru.

Squier Collection 23 Vault

Honduras/Nicaragua/Central America

55. [Bay of Honduras, Coasts of Belize and Honduras]. [176-?]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 68 x92 cm. Scale ca. 1:570,000. (Howe; 25). 72-3579.

This English map of portions of the Caribbean coast of Central America extending from Belize to Nicaragua includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, navigational hazards, the track of H.M.S. Ferret, and pictorial representation of coastal relief. Also includes notes and selected latitudes in the Bay of Honduras. Map is oriented with south at top.

G4802 .H6 P5 176- .B3 Howe 25 Vault

Bay of Honduras/Bay Islands, Honduras/Honduras--Caribbean Coast/Belize--Coast/Central America--Caribbean Coast

56. Carta De La Costa De Mosquitos. con sus Yslas Cayos Bancos y Bajos adyacentes=entre dicha, y la Ysla de Jamayca, Sacada de un=Plano Yngles, en los Años de 1767. y 1771. y ultimamente corregida por los Pilotos de los Buques de Guerra en el Año de 1781: Las casitas en carnadas denotan los Establecimientos Yngleses y las amarillas las Poblaciones de Yndios. [East coast of Central America, Jamaica]. [Lambi, David. 1781. Colored pen-and-ink ms. on tracing linen, 102 x 91 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,100,000.

Inset map: "Parte de Costa desde la Abra de S[a]n Juan, hasta las Bocas del Toro, Punta Variente, y Escudo de Veraguas".

This Spanish map, probably copied from David Lambi's 1781 "A Map or Chart of the Mosquito Shore...." (call number G4852 .C6 1781 .M Vault), includes coastlines, coastal features, navigational hazards, soundings, anchorages, rivers and streams, and English and Native American settlements. This map was transferred to the Library of Congress from the collections of the Panama Canal Zone Library-Museum.

G4852 .M6 1782 .C3 PCC Vault

Central America--Caribbean Coast/Honduras--Caribbean Coast/Nicaragua--

Caribbean Coast/Jamaica/Panama--Caribbean Coast/Costa Rica--Caribbean Coast/Caribbean Sea

57. Carta De Los Estados De Centro-America Con Todos Los Proyectos de las diversas vias de comunicacion inter-oceanica Desde La Punta De Anton Lizardo En Vera-Crux Hasta El Cabo Corrientes En Nueva-Granada [Mexico and Central America]. Vital J. van-de-Gehüchte, Ernesto. 1862. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 91 1/2 x 102 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1:2,000,000.

Inset maps (15): "La Ciudad de...Guatemala", "Puerto de Realejo en Nicaragua", [Golfo de Conchagua], "San Juan ò Greytown", "Ensenada de Gracias-a-Dios", "Canal y Ferro-Carril de Panama", "Puerto de San Juan del Norte de Nicaragua", [The San Juan de Nicaragua River from the Caribbean Sea to Lake Nicaragua], "Istmo de Salinas", "Puerto de Chagres", "Parte inferior del Rio de Chagres...", "Propuesto para el Canal Inter-Oceanico por el Rio Atrato", "Puerto de Santo Tomas", "Puerto-Caballos", "La Parte Sur del Territorio de Tehuan-tepec".

This detailed, well executed, and informative large scale map of the area from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and Yucatan Peninsula to Colombia includes coastline, coastal features, navigational hazards, streams, other bodies of water, roads, existing and proposed railroad lines, proposed canals, hachured relief, selected mountain peaks and their elevations, local administrative and international boundaries, cities and towns, and flags and shields of various countries (including a British standard for Costa de los Mosquitos). Map also includes 5 cross sections of elevation associated with proposed canal and railroad routes across Central America. A clear and highly informative map. On verso of map a note reads "Memorandum. This excellent manuscript Map of Central America, was purchased in january 1883, for the Department of State, by the United States Minister to Central America. The price paid was one hundred and twenty-five dollars.".

G4801 .P53 1862 .G Vault

Central America/Mexico/Belize/Honduras/El Salvador/Nicaragua/Costa Rica/ Panama/Colombia

58. [Central America]. [Squier, Ephraim George ]. [[1849?]. Pen-and-ink ms., 27 x 35 cm. Scale ca. 1:4,625,280. (Squier; 34).

This outline map of Central America shows international boundaries and treaty boundaries between the British and various Central American nations along the Mosquito Coast. Map also includes streams, other bodies of water, towns and cities, and coastlines. Map appears to be a preliminary draft to the one published in 1849 as map No. 1 in House Executive Document No. 75, 31st Congress, 1st Session: "Map of Central America, showing the pretended boundaries of the 'Mosquito Kingdom', the route of the proposd canal, etc." Ephraim Squier was a mid-19th century American entrepreneur, journalist, diplomat, archeologist, and scholar active in Central America and Peru.

Squier Collection 34 Vault

Central America

59. Costa de tierra Firme desde el Cabo Gracias a Dios hasta La Ysla Cosumuel....[Central America, Caribbean Coast]. Gafas, Pedro. 1795. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 47 x 61 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,500,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 142). 90-683545.

This Spanish map of the Caribbean Coast from Yucatan to northern Nicaragua and the Bay Islands includes coastline, coastal features, anchorages, soundings, navigational hazards, and settlements. Map was prepared by Gafas under the direction of Pedro Rivelles of the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain and is part of the G&M Division's collection from that school acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4802 .C6 1795 .G3 Vault

Central America--Caribbean Coast/Bay Islands, Honduras

A Draught of the Bay of Honduras and...
Select the Images to See a Larger View

60. A Draught of the Bay of Honduras and part of the Musquetto Shore Corrected, the Variation to be allowed, at Balleeze River....[Bay of Honduras, Coasts of Honduras and Belize]. Robertson, George. [1764]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 75 x 107 cm. Scale ca. 1:435,000. (Howe; 27). 72-3581.

Inset map: "A Large Draught of Truxillo Bay...".

This English map of the Bay of Honduras and portions of the Caribbean coast from Belize to Honduras includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, navigational hazards, a settlement, and mouths of rivers and streams. A note on map reads, "All to the Eastward of Cape Honduras, is inhabited by the Musqueto Indians, who is a free nation, that never was Conquered by the Spaniards; They allow none to Trade with them but British Subjects." Another note near Port Moho reads, "This is the only settlement the Spaniards have on all this coast." Inset map of Trujillo Bay includes coastline, coastal features, numerous soundings, and an anchorage.

G4802 .H6P5 1764 .R61 Howe 27 Vault

Bay of Honduras/Bay Islands, Honduras/Belize--Coast/Honduras--Caribbean Coast/Central America--Caribbean Coast

Draught of the Bay of Honduras and...
Select the Images to See a Larger View

61. Draught of the Bay of Honduras and the Musqueto Shoar [Bay of Honduras, Coasts of Belize and Honduras]. Robertson, George. 1764. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 104 x 77 cm. Scale ca. 1:430,000. (Howe; 26). 72-3580.

This English map of the Bay of Honduras and portions of the Caribbean coast from Belize to Nicaragua includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, navigational hazards, and pictorial representation of relief and vegetation. Also includes a table of latitudes for selected sites along the Bay of Honduras and the Mosquito Coast. Map is oriented with east at top.

G4802 .H6P5 1764 .R6 Howe 26 Vault

Bay Islands, Honduras/Honduras--Caribbean Coast/Belize--Coast/Central America--Caribbean Coast

62. [Honduras and El Salvador]. [Squier, Ephraim George ]. [1853?]. Pencil, colored pen-and-ink ms., 60 x 94 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,110,000. (Squier; 4).

Map on verso: [Elevation cross section in line from Pacific Ocean through Comayagua to Atlantic Ocean].

This map of portions of Honduras and El Salvador includes cities and towns, streams, rivers and other bodies of water, hachured relief, coastlines, and coastal features. Map appears to be preliminary drawing of Squier's 1854 "Map of Honduras and San Salvador, Central America Showing the line of the Proposed Honduras Interoceanic Railway". Ephraim Squier was a mid-19th century American entrepreneur, journalist, diplomat, archeologist, and scholar active in Central America and Peru.

Squier Collection 4 Vault

Honduras/El Salvador/Central America

Isthmus of Panama from Cartagena to Nicaragua showing both coasts
Select the Images to See a Larger View

63. [Isthmus of Panama from Cartagena to Nicaragua showing both coasts] [Colombia, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua]. [ca. 1700]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 33 x 50 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,900,000.

This sensitively rendered English map depicts the Isthmus of Panama, the Caribbean Coast from Cartagena to Nicaragua and the Pacific Coast from Colombia to Costa Rica. In 1698, a Scottish colony named Calidonia and a settlement of Edinburg were established on the Caribbean coast of Panama. That colony and settlement were abandoned in 1699. Immediately following, a second colony, New Calidonia with the settlement New Edinburg, was established only to be abandoned in April, 1700. This map includes coastline, coastal features, navigational hazards, streams, other bodies of water, pictorial representation of vegetation and relief, and various towns and settlements including "Edinburg" and the colony of "Calidonia". Map is oriented with south at top. Map also contains a decorative wind rose. While this detailed map does not contain information regarding its authorship or date, it appears to have in its style, symbols, and manner of presentation a close affinity with the work of the cartographer and atlas maker, Herman Moll (d. 1732). In this ca. 1700 map, the Scottish colony and settlement on the Isthmus of Darien are designated respectively "Calidonia" and "Edinburg". Moll, in his map of the Scots' Colony, produced periodically after 1700 in his atlases, refers to the colony and settlement as "New Calidonia" and "New Edinburg". According to Moll in A System of Geography.... (London, 1701), the proximity of the settlement to the Pacific Ocean would allow "a Journey over the Isthmus...to be made in three days time. This we suppose was the motive that tempted the Scots Company of Merchants to send Shipping, Plant a Colony, and build a Fort on Darien. The success of that Expedition is known to every body, so that 'tis unnecessary to say when and how the Spaniards beat them off." In other atlas plates, Moll refers to the location of gold in that region.

G4870 18-- .P Vault

Panama/Costa Rica/Nicaragua--Caribbean Coast/Colombia/Central America

64. A Map Or Chart Of The Mosquito Shore....[Nicaragua, Honduras, Jamaica]. Lambi, David. 1781. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 105 x 91 1/2 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,100,000.

Inset maps (3): [The Lake of Nicaragua], [St. Iuans Harbour], and [Central American coast from St. Iuans Harbor to Escuda Veragua].

This clear British map of the Caribbean Coast of Central America from Honduras to the Nicaragua-Costa Rica border, a portion of the Caribbean Sea, and Jamaica includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, anchorages, and European and Native American settlements. Map also includes notes. Map maker indicates that he has corrected various charts of the region "to the yar 1781" and has denoted English settlements by bright red spots and Indian towns by crimson spots. This map signals continuing British recognition and control of the Mosquito Coast which lasts into the mid-19th century. For a probable Spanish copy of this map, see "Carta De La Costa De Mosquitos....", under call number G4852 .M6 1781 .C3 PCC Vault.

G4852 .C6 1781 .M Vault

Nicaragua--Caribbean Coast/Honduras--Caribbean Coast/Costa Rica--Caribbean Coast/Panama--Caribbean Coast/Jamaica/Central America--Caribbean Coast

65. [Map showing Caribbean coast from Belize to Honduras]. [late 18th century]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 50 x 67 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,250,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 136). 90-683504.

This clear, precise Spanish map of a portion of the Caribbean coast of Central America and the Bay Islands includes coastline, coastal features, anchorages, navigational hazards, settlements, and an elaborate wind rose. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4802 .C6 17-- .M3 Vault

Central America--Caribbean Coast/Bay Islands, Honduras

66. [Map showing Caribbean coast of Central America from Belize to Nicaragua]. [18th century]. Pen-and-ink ms., 45 x 63 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,950,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 137). 90-683509.

This Spanish map of the Caribbean coast from Belize to Nicaragua and the Bay Islands includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, anchorages, and settlements. Unidentified numbered locations appear on map. Map appears to be incomplete version of Maggs 139. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4802.C6 17-- .M32 Vault

Central America--Caribbean Coast/Bay Islands, Honduras

67. [Map showing Caribbean coast of Central America from Belize to Nicaragua]. [18th century]. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 45 x 63 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,900,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 139). 90-683518.

This Spanish map of Caribbean coast from Belize to Nicaragua and the Bay Islands includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, and settlements; also includes a keyed legend. In style, precise and detailed. Should be compared to Maggs 136. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4802 .C6 17-- .M31 Vault

Central America--Caribbean Coast/Bay Islands, Honduras

68. [Map showing Caribbean coast of Central America from Yucatan to northern Nicaragua]. Alcalá, Antonio. 1787. Pencil, colored pen-and-ink ms., 42 x 53 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,900,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 141). 90-683532.

This Spanish map of the Caribbean coast from Yucatan to northern Nicaragua and the Bay Islands includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, anchorages, settlements, and an ornate wind rose. Map also includes sailing routes from Havana to Trujillo and Omoa taking into account the presence of English forces in the Bay Islands. The work contains a keyed legend and extensive notes as well. Primary purpose of map is the determination of the exact locations of islands claimed by both the Spanish and English. This intelligence map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4802 .C6 1787 .A4 Vault

Central America--Caribbean Coast/Mexico--Caribbean Coast/Bay Islands, Honduras

69. [Map showing the Caribbean coast from Yucatan to Honduras]. [18th century]. Wash, pen-and-ink ms., 55 x 77 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,350,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 138). 90-683517.

This Spanish map of a portion of the Caribbean Coast of Central America and the Bay Islands includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, navigational hazards, anchorages, settlements, and a decorative wind rose. Similar to Maggs 136 and 137. Signature of Ramon de Amaya appears on map. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4802 .C6 17-- .M34 Vault

Central America--Caribbean Coast/Bay Islands, Honduras

70. Plano De la Costa de Honduras, desde el Cavo de Gracias â Dios, hasta el de Catoche....[Caribbean Coast, Central America]. Linares, Juan. 1756. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 54 x 72 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,550,000. (Maggs purchase map collection; 143). 90-683551.

This Spanish map of the Caribbean Coast from Yucatan to northern Nicaragua and the Bay Islands includes coastline, coastal features, soundings, anchorages, settlements, an elaborate wind rose, and the shield of the Real Escuela de Navegación, Cadiz, Spain. Navigational tracks in red ink and a note indicate the route of the ship, San Rosendo, in 1757. Internal evidence indicates that Linares prepared map under the direction of Joseph Badaraco of the Real Escuela de Navegación. This map is part of the G&M Division's collection from that school acquired from Maggs Brothers, London.

G4802 .C6 1756 .L5 Vault

Central America--Caribbean Coast/Bay Islands, Honduras/Honduras--Caribbean Coast/Guatemala--Caribbean Coast/Mexico--Caribbean Coast/Belize--Coast/Nicaragua--Caribbean Coast

71. Plano De La Frontera Del Salvador [Guatemala, El Salvador]. Godoy, Alejandro. 1898. Colored pen-and-ink ms., 72 x 86 cm. Scale not given. 77-697426.

Inset map: "Croquis Telegrafico".

This communications map of the Guatemala-El Salvador border region includes roads, streams, other bodies of water, cities and towns, hachured relief of specific peaks and ranges, and international boundaries. Purposes of map are to show international boundaries and the telegraphic network in southeastern Guatemala and its extension into nearby El Salvador and Honduras. Map also includes distances between communities. In style, clear and precise.

G4841 .F2 1898 .G6 Vault

Guatemala/El Salvador/Central America

72. [Portion of El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua in the vicinity of the Bay of Fonseca]. [Squier, Ephraim George ]. [1853?]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 76 x 55 cm. Scale ca. 1:354,816. (Squier; 18).

This map of a portion of El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua includes detailed information surrounding selected surveying routes from León, Nicaragua to Tegucigalpa, Honduras and along the Río Goascorán from La Unión, El Salvador to Siguatepeque, Honduras. Map includes towns and cities, surveying tracks, rivers and streams, hachured relief, and locations of mines. Ephraim Squier was a mid-19th century American entrepreneur, journalist, diplomat, archeologist, and scholar active in Central America and Peru.

Squier Collection 18 Vault

Nicaragua/Honduras/El Salvador/Central America

73. [Portion of Gracias and Comayagua Departments, Honduras, and Cuscatlan and San Salvador Departments, El Salvador, from San José, Honduras south to Tonacatepeque, El Salvador, and from San José east to the Río Lepesale, Honduras]. [Squier, Ephraim George ]. [1853?]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 77 x 55 cm. Scale ca. 1:323,136. (Squier; 12).

This map of portions of Honduras and El Salvador includes rivers and streams, towns, trails, a ruin, and hachured relief. Map includes detailed information about the Ríos Higuito and Mejocote systems. Ephraim Squier was a mid-19th century American entrepreneur, journalist, diplomat, archeologist, and scholar active in Central America and Peru.

Squier Collection 12 Vault

Honduras/El Salvador/Central America

74. [Portion of Gracias Department, Honduras - Cuscatlan Department, El Salvador from Sensenti, Honduras to El Moro, El Salvador]. [Squier, Ephraim George ]. [1853?]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 42 x 33 cm. Scale ca. 1:114,048. (Squier; 7).

This map of an area along the Honduras-El Salvador border includes roads and trails, towns, rivers and streams, ruins, a coal bed, and hachured relief. Ephraim George Squier was a mid-19th century American entrepreneur, journalist, diplomat, archeologist, and scholar active in Central America and Peru.

Squier Collection 7 Vault

Honduras/El Salvador/Central America

75. [Portion of Honduras and Nicaragua from Río Choluteca to Lake Managua]. [Squier, Ephraim George ]. [1853?]. Pencil, colored pen-and-ink ms., 33 x 41 cm. Scale ca. 1:557,568. (Squier; 22).

This map of a portion of Honduras and Nicaragua includes trails in pencil and red ink, streams, and towns. Ephraim Squier was a mid-19th century American entrepreneur, journalist, diplomat, archeologist, and scholar active in Central America and Peru.

Squier Collection 22 Vault

Honduras/Nicaragua/Central America

76. [Portion of Nicaragua and Costa Rica from the Gulf of Fonseca south to the Gulf of Nicoya on the Pacific Coast and from Bluefields, Nicaragua to Puerto Viejo, Costa Rica, on the Caribbean coast]. [Squier, Ephraim George ]. [1853?]. Pencil ms., 33 x 41 cm. Scale ca. 1:1,900,000. (Squier; 3).

This map centering on Lakes Managua and Nicaragua includes towns, trails, streams and other bodies of water, hachured relief, some departmental names, coastlines, and coastal features. Ephraim Squier was a mid-19th century American entrepreneur, journalist, diplomat, archeologist, and scholar active in Central America and Peru.

Squier Collection 3 Vault

Costa Rica/Nicaragua/Central America

77. [Route from La Unión, El Salvador to Comayagua, Honduras]. [Squier, Ephraim George ]. [1853?]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 74 x 23 cm. Scale ca. 1:177,408. (Squier; 19).

This map of a portion of the Río Goascorán from Comayagua, Honduras to La Unión, El Salvador includes a survey track, the river and other streams, towns and settlements, locations of ruins, hachured relief of El Volcán, a reference to mountains, and the coastline along the Bay of Fonseca. Ephraim Squier was a mid-19th century American entrepreneur, journalist, diplomat, archeologist, and scholar active in Central America and Peru.

Squier Collection 19 Vault

El Salvador/Honduras/Central America

78. [Route from La Unión, El Salvador to Comayagua, Honduras]. [Squier, Ephraim George ]. [1853?]. Pencil, pen-and-ink ms., 79 x 17 cm. Scale ca. 1:190,080. (Squier; 21).

This is a map of a portion of Honduras and El Salvador centering on Goascarán River Valley extending from north of Comayagua (Honduras) to La Unión (El Salvador). Map includes surveying tracks, rivers and streams, towns and settlements, and hachured relief. Ephraim Squier was a mid-19th century American entrepreneur, journalist, diplomat, archeologist, and scholar active in Central America and Peru.

Squier Collection 21 Vault

Honduras/El Salvador/Central America

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