Controlling Calories

Online Tools

How many calories and fat grams are in a serving of your favorite foods? This online calorie counter provides quick and easy answers to help you in meal planning and managing your diet.

Now you can keep a running list of what you ate during the day. The Enhanced Calorie Calculator tabulates the total calories eaten based on the number of servings you choose, and has a built-in tool to help you add fat grams.

How can you burn off some of those extra calories before they turn into extra pounds? Try our Exercise Calculator to see how many calories you expend doing your favorite exercise or activity.

Check out the Body Mass Index Calculator to learn whether your weight puts you at risk for health problems.

Do you want to learn more about how many calories you need to maintain your current weight? Check out the new Weight Maintenance Calculator. And, Be sure to visit the Healthy Weight Calculator to determine a healthy weight for your height and gender.

Try these delicious versions of some of your favorite recipes -- made over for your health!

If you're looking for information on cutting calories and fat in your diet, achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, or your favorite low-calorie, reduced-fat foods and beverages (and the ingredients that make them possible)... you've come to the right place!

How to Win by Losing
How to Win By Losing"Winning by Losing" is a concise, easy-to-read guide to effective weight loss. Discover the hazards of searching for the quick fix, and learn 10 tips to reshape your eating habits. Print a copy for future reference!
Calories Still Count

Calories Still CountCheck out the Calorie Control Council's predictions for dieting and weight loss trends in 2007.

Light Living

Light LivingLow-calorie sweeteners and fat replacers make many of your favorite light foods and beverages possible. Here's the latest info on low-calorie ingredients that are in use today, as well as those on the horizon. Visit Low-Calorie Sweeteners to get a better understanding of the sweeteners used in low-calorie and sugar-free products, and visit Fat Replacers to learn about the wide variety of ingredients used to reduce fat in many foods.

Trivia and weight questions
It's bathing suit season How to Keep Your Kids Active when School Starts!
While summer is a time for relaxation for many moms, it can also be a source of serious stress for others. Childhood is a time for learning and growing but it’s also the time when kids pick up the habits they will keep for the rest of their lives. Getting your kids interested in physical activity at an early age will help them adopt positive and healthful habits for their adult years.

Calorie Control Search

Check Out Our Latest Online Poll!

Which term do you prefer to describe food ingredients which are used to sweeten your favorite foods and beverages with few or no calories?

Click Here to Vote!


Calorie Control Newsnet

Calorie Control Newsnet

Calorie Control Newsnet

The Research Has Spoken: Industry Funded Studies Have Higher Quality of Reporting than Non-Industry Funded Studies in Long Term Weight Loss Trials

Universities Aim to Rid Campuses of Cafeteria Trays

New Study Finds Toxins in Some Herbal Medicines

Calorie Control Newsnet

Calorie Control Newsnet
Visit this section often for the top news stories related to calorie control, dieting and weight loss.

Click on the headlines above to read the complete article.



Acesulfame Potassium






Commentary Newsletter


Free Diet Assessment

Healthy Calculators


Let's Get Physical!

Let's Get Physical!It's bad enough that more Americans than ever are overweight. Is the problem being compounded by an over-emphasis on only one method of fixing it? Visit this section for information on how to Lighten Up and Get Moving!

Calorie Control Commentary

Calorie Control CommentaryRead the latest Calorie Control Commentary.
The Summer 2008 issue includes articles on new dieting research, new low calorie products, tips for maintaining weight and lifestyle, finding the right physical activity and more.

Free Diet Assessment --

At you can lose weight safely, sensibly, privately and permanently. Featuring tools such as calorie calculators, meal plans, recipes, chat groups and information from weight loss experts. Start losing weight today!

What's New
Low Calorie Sweeteners
Fat Replacers
Trends and Statistics
Winning by Losing
Calories Still Count
Let's Get Physical
Other Great Sources
Companies and Products
The Press Room
For Health Professionals and Educators

Awards and Recognition

Copyright © 2008 Calorie Control Council
For feedback or more information, e-mail:

This site is designed and maintained by Kellen Interactive

Important Notice: This site is designed primarily as an educational resource. It is not intended to provide medical advice on personal health matters or to guide treatment -- which is only appropriately done by a qualified health professional. Permission to reprint information in whole or in part contained on this site is granted, provided customary credit is given.