Prostate Cancer Research Institute

PCRI is a 501(c) (3)
Not-for-profit public charity
US Tax ID: 95-4617875

Certified by Independent Charities of America

Best In America

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Pamphlets - What you need to know about prostate cancer

Free Pamphlet

A Primer on Prostate Cancer

"Primer" for


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Prostate Cancer Research Institute
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Working together for a cure

State of the Art Treatments for Early Stage and Relapsed Prostate Cancer
State of the Art Treatments
for Early Stage and Relapsed Prostate Cancer

Sheraton Gateway - Los Angeles Airport
California, USA
September 6-7
View Conference Details - Check back for DVDs

Harry Pinchot PCRI Creates Harry Pinchot Awards
Bill Blair – Peter Doherty – Ralph Valle
In Memory of Harry Pinchot
PCRI Program Director and 10 year Helpline Facilitator
See Tribute to Harry

The 2007 National Conference on Prostate Cancer
DVD's Still Available

Recent News:
New Clinical Trials for Prostate Cancer - as of 9/15/08
Prostate Cancer News (from Cancer Consultants)
PCRI News Items

See our online videos.
Advanced Prostate Cancer Handbook

Raise a Voice for Advanced Prostate Cancer Advocacy 

PCRI Memorial Gallery

PCRI Insights
August 2008, vol 11, no. 3
Newsletter Now Available


The Prostate Cancer Research Institute mission is to
improve the quality of men’s lives by supporting research
and disseminating information that educates and empowers
patients, families and the medical community.


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Prostate Cancer Research Institute (PCRI)

5777 West Century Boulevard, Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90045
Administration 310-743-2116 |  Fax 310-743-2113 |  EMail
Helpline 310-743-2110  |   EMail

Material provided by PCRI is intended for educational purposes for discussion with your physician and should not be considered as medical advice. Information and opinions expressed on this Web site are not an endorsement by PCRI for any treatment, product or service.