Campus Safety and Security in Missouri

Missouri’s Campus Security website is intended as a resource for those concerned about security on higher education campuses.

This includes mental health providers, campus security and emergency management personnel, as well as administration, faculty and staff.

Parents, students and the general public are also invited to use these resources.  


This site is maintained by the Higher Education Subcommittee of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HES-HSAC). 

Our committee was formed in response to Governor Blunt’s Campus Security Task Force Report, issued August 21, 2007: Securing Our Future: Making Colleges and Universities Safe Places to Learn and Grow.  This report can be accessed at    


History of the HES
The Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC) was established to review state and local security plans and make recommendations for changes that would better protect Missouri Citizens. 

In the aftermath of the 2007 shootings at Virginia Tech, Governor Blunt appointed the Governor’s Task Force on Campus Security, co-chaired by Robert Stein, Commissioner of Higher Education and Mark James, Director of Public Safety.

One of the task force recommendations was to create a Higher Education Subcommittee (HES) of HSAC to better address security for higher education.  Read more about the HES here.

HES-HSAC Membership