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National Health Interview
Survey (NHIS)
Celebrating the First 50 years:
1957 - 2007

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3.1 Tobacco Use and NHIS Supplements

Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Supplements

 In 1985, the first NHIS Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Supplement (HPDP)  covered a variety of topics, including a section on cigarette smoking, which allowed cigarette smoking variables to be analyzed in conjunction with other health topics.  Earlier tobacco related questions (1965-1983)  were not combined with other supplementary topics.

 Similar large health promotion and disease prevention supplements were fielded in 1990, 1991 and 1998, in order to track the Healthy People 1990, and 2000 objectives. The 1991 and 1998 supplements included questions on other tobacco use.

 Smaller sections tracking Year 2000 Health objectives were fielded between 1993 and 1995 and contained some questions on smoking.  The 2010 Healthy People objectives supplement to the 2002 NHIS did not contain any additional questions on tobacco use beyond the core questions on cigarette smoking.

Cancer Supplements

 Similar NHIS Cancer Supplements were fielded in 1987 and 1992. Because the whole interview was considered to be too long for administering to every  respondent, the questionnaire was split into two booklets, “Cancer Control” and “Epidemiology”.  Each was administered to a half sample of sample adult respondents.  Smoking questions were included in both booklets, but other tobacco related questions appeared only in the Cancer Control booklet.  The resulting data were released in two supplemental files for each year.

 For the 2000 Cancer Supplement, there was only one questionnaire which was administered to all sample adults.  The 2000 cancer data were appended to the sample adult file and included questions on other tobacco use.  The one-interview format was continued in 2005, but the cancer data were released in a separate file.

Pregnancy and Smoking Sections

 Questions on cigarette smoking during pregnancy were part of the HPDP Supplements of 1985, 1990, 1991 and 1998.  However, these questions were not limited to the sample adult.  They were asked of all women aged 18-49 living in the household who had had a live birth within the past 5 years.  The data were released in a file that was separate from the core and the HPDP files.

 In 2005, questions on smoking during pregnancy were included in the Cancer Supplement for the first time.  Unlike the previous versions, they were asked only of a subset of the sample adults (women aged 18-44, who had had a live birth within the past 5 years).  In 2005, this topic was included in the Cancer Supplement file for the first time.

Adolescent Smoking Surveys

 Other surveys fielded by the Division of Health Interview Statistics (DHIS) on adolescent smoking include: TAPS I, TAPS II and the 1992 Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS).

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This page last reviewed September 09, 2008

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