Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities: Governors' Grants

   Current Section  Laws, Regs, & Guidance
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Legislation, Regulations, and Guidance


Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965, as amended, Title IV, Part A, Subpart 1, Secs. 4112-4113, 4116; 20 U.S.C. 7111-7113, 7116



Gun-Free Schools Act (Title IV, Part A, Subpart 3, Section 4141)

Transfer of Disciplinary Records (Title IV, Part A, Subpart 4, Section 4155)

Pro-Children Act (Title IV, Part C)

Unsafe School Choice Option (Title IX, Part E, Section 9532)

Policy Guidance
  • Unsafe School Choice Option, Non-Regulatory Guidance. (February 2004)
    [downloadable files] MS WORD (686K) | PDF (58K)
  • Safe and Drug-Free School and Communities Act, State Grants, Non-Regulatory Draft Guidance for State and Local Implementation of Programs. (January 2004)
    [downloadable files] MS WORD (318K)
  • Guidance Concerning State and Local Responsibilities Under the Gun-Free Schools Act (January 2004)
    [downloadable files] MS WORD (532K)
  • Reports on State Implementation of the Gun-Free Schools Act

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Last Modified: 09/25/2008