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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Federal Reserve Board of Governors

Banking and Consumer Regulatory Policy

Rules, amendments, requests for comment, guidance and reports, announcements, and updates of reserve calculations and deposit reporting

December 24, 1996
Adoption of revised interagency Uniform Financial Institutions Rating System (UFIRS)

December 26, 1996
Request for comment on amendments to the Truth in Lending Act and Real Estate Settlement Procedures Acts

December 23, 1996
Request for comment on study about sensitive identifying information about consumers

December 23, 1996
Request for comment on revisions to Regulation B

December 23, 1996
Withdrawal of amendment to Regulation B

December 20, 1996
Increase in securities revenue limit for section 20 subsidiaries

December 18, 1996
Request for comment on revisions to Regulation M

December 18, 1996
Extension of comment period on amendments to the margin regulations

December 17, 1996
Request for comment on revisions to Regulation C

November 20, 1996
Margin regulations and request for comment on amendments to margin regulations

October 21, 1996
Board approval of the use of certain cumulative preferred stock instruments in tier 1 capital for bank holding companies

September 27, 1996
Regulation on consumer lease disclosures (Regulation M)

August 28, 1996
Request for comment on revisions to Regulation Y

1996 Press Releases:

Last update: March 28, 2008