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Antietam National BattlefieldCannon at Antietam
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Antietam National Battlefield

The largest forest and natural area located in the park is known as the Snavely Woods. This area is one of the best-developed native oak/hickory forests on limestone remaining in Washington County, Maryland. Because of the favorable species found within its canopy, along with the age diversity among the trees, the Snavely Woods are characterized by excellent forest structure. The upland slope is dominated by northern red oak, American beech, bitternut hickory, red maple and tulip poplar. The understory is well developed and includes flowering dogwood, spicebush and witchhazel. There is a diverse herbaceous layer that includes ephemeral spring wildflowers such as toadshade, bloodroot, yellow trout lily, dutchman's britches, toothwort, spring beauty, Virginia bluebells and hepatica. However, weedy exotic species are very common and form the major dominant ground layer in late summer. Numbers of natives may already be restricted by garlic mustard, Microstegium grass and Japanese honeysuckle infestation.

The Maryland State Monument at Antietam  

Did You Know?
The Maryland State Monument is the only monument at Antietam dedicated to both sides. Marylanders fought for both the Union and the Confederacy. 20,000 people attended the dedication on May 30, 1900. President William McKinley, a veteran of the Battle of Antietam, was the keynote speaker

Last Updated: July 25, 2006 at 00:29 EST