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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
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Federal Reserve Board of Governors

Other Announcements

Announcements of appointments, meetings, publications, Reserve Bank activities, and other news and events
December 14, 2001
Four new members named to Thrift Institutions Advisory Council and new president and vice president of council named for 2002

December 12, 2001
Governor Edward W. Kelley, Jr., resigns from Board, effective December 31

December 11, 2001
Five reprints eliminated from the Federal Reserve Bulletin

December 7, 2001
Susan Schmidt Bies and Mark W. Olson sworn in as members of the Board of Governors

December 6, 2001
Anthrax tests at the Board

November 14, 2001
Study results on the retail payments system

November 9, 2001
Governor Gramlich designated by Chairman Greenspan as chair of board assisting air carriers

October 31, 2001
Approval of fee schedules for Federal Reserve Bank payment services

October 10, 2001
Modification to private-sector adjustment factor for priced services calculations

September 28, 2001
Appointment of chairmen and deputy chairmen of Federal Reserve Banks for 2002

September 28, 2001
Consumer Advisory Council to hold meeting, open to the public, on October 25 at the Federal Reserve Board

September 27, 2001
Federal Reserve Board launches interactive web site for students, educators, and the general public

September 24, 2001
Public workshop on Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act privacy notices to be held on December 4, 2001

September 14, 2001
Swap arrangement between the Federal Reserve and the Bank of England

September 14, 2001
Federal Reserve encourages banks to work with customers affected by disaster

September 14, 2001
Federal Reserve and Bank of Canada augment swap facility

September 13, 2001
Swap arrangement between the Federal Reserve and the European Central Bank

September 11, 2001
The Federal Reserve System is open and operating. The discount window is available to meet liquidity needs.

August 20, 2001
Board to purchase office building in Washington, DC

August 7, 2001
Spanish-language consumer brochure: How to File a Consumer Complaint about a Bank (Cómo puede un consumidor presentar una queja acerca de un banco)

July 26, 2001
Vice Chairman Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., sworn in to a new term on the Board

July 16, 2001
FOMC 2002 meeting schedule

June 11, 2001
Appointments of Donald Kohn as Advisor to the Board for Monetary Policy in the Office of Board Members, Vincent Reinhart as Director of the Division of Monetary Affairs, and Brian Madigan as Deputy Director of the Division of Monetary Affairs, all effective July 2, 2001

June 4, 2001
Governor Edward W. Kelley, Jr., announces intention to resign from the Board of Governors

June 4, 2001
Statement by Chairman Alan Greenspan on statement by Governor Edward W. Kelley, Jr.

May 29, 2001
Nominations sought for appointments to Consumer Advisory Council

May 29, 2001
Consumer Advisory Council to hold meeting, open to the public, on June 28 at the Federal Reserve Board

May 16, 2001
2001 Survey of Consumer Finances to begin

May 14, 2001
Interagency task force video, “Identity Theft: Protect Yourself,” available from FRB Boston

March 30, 2001
Central banks to hold joint research conference on risk measurement at the Bank for International Settlements, Basel, Switzerland, March 7-8, 2002

March 22, 2001
Revision to brochure on home equity lines of credit

March 8, 2001
Consumer Advisory Council to hold meeting, open to the public, March 22 at the Federal Reserve Board

March 8, 2001
La Junta de la Reserva Federal dio a conocer hoy dos nuevos recursos disponibles en la Internet para consumidores de habla hispana

Spanish-language versions of Federal Reserve Board web sites for home mortgage shopping and vehicle leasing

March 8, 2001
Grupo de trabajo interagencial publíca folleto en español para el consumidor sobre cómo comparar y negociar la hipoteca más favorable

Interagency task force publishes Spanish-language consumer brochure about shopping for and negotiating the best mortgage

March 5, 2001
Statement by Chairman Greenspan on nomination of Vice Chairman Ferguson to a full term on the Board

March 5, 2001
Statement by Vice Chairman Ferguson on nomination to a full term on the Board

January 18, 2001
Reserve Bank income and expense data and transfers to the Treasury for 2000

January 12, 2001
Report to Congress on issuance of subordinated debt by large depository institutions

January 5, 2001
New Consumer Advisory Council members and new chair and vice chair for 2001

2001 Press Releases:

Last update: March 28, 2008