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Purdue Agriculture

Download a PDF file that lists Purdue Extension curriculum packages about food safety, parenting, and financial management

image: Purdue Extensionimage : Knowledge you can use right away to answer questions about food safey, family, consumer issues, natural resources, agriculture, and your community.  

Image: Corn and Soybean Field GuideThe 2009 Corn & Soybean Field Guide
is a pocket-sized management and diagnostic tool for corn and soybean producers.

ID-179 $6
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Image: No Bones About It
No Bones About It is six lessons on DVD and CD designed by experts at eight universities to inspire early teens to become lifelong consumers of calcium-rich foods.

CFS-741 $60.00
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Image: MyPyramidImage: MyPyramid for Moms

MyPyramid materials encourage healthy eating and adequate physical activity, and Purdue Extension is selling English and Spanish printed materials in bulk at a substantial discount. Check out the six new items for Moms.

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Image: Nutrition Facts: Reading Labels Makes SenseNutrition Facts: Reading Labels Makes Sense is as easy as counting 1, 2, 3. This 15 minute DVD teaches you how to read nutrition facts labels by using a simple system. Available in English and Spanish.

DVD-CFS-12-185 $20.00
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Image: Turtles of Indiana coverTurtles of Indiana is a 64-page, four-color publication describing in detail the 18 species and subspecies of turtles in Indiana.

FNR-243 $10.00
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Image: Salamanders of Indiana coverSalamanders of Indiana is the third in the series of Snakes of Indiana and Turtles of Indiana. It contains specie name, scientific name, range maps, habitat information, color pictures of each salamander, and reproductive habits.

FNR-261 $10.00
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Image: CAFOs

Purdue University has brought together a wide range of experts to address and research different concerns surrounding CAFOs. Our goal is to afford consumers, producers, and community leaders the ability to make well-informed decisions regarding issues that may coincide with the expansion of animal agriculture in Indiana. Take a look at the online publications.


Image: Resources for TeachersResources for Teachers
Check out Purdue Extension's K-12 page for materials that teachers can use to meet specific objectives outlined in the Indiana Ac
ademic Standards.


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Lumber from Hardwood Trees
After 30 years of extensive research, Purdue’s Forestry and Natural Resources Professor Dan Cassens has released a new CD Lumber from Hardwood Trees. It is a fact-filled resource of field research and information that thousands of people have shared with Dan over the years. 

 It covers all the “hard to find” facts about hardwood lumber. Once you use this great resource, you will understand the unique characteristics of our nation’s 35 most attractive hardwoods

CD-FNR-406 $25.00
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Image: Our First Horse: Considerations Before You BuyOur First Horse: Considerations Before You Buy is a 15-minute video to get started on the right hoof. Preview clips from the video at:

DVD-4-H-995 $15.00
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Image: Guide to Toxic Plants in ForagesGuide to Toxic Plants in Forages helps producers identify common plants that can be toxic to livestock and provides management strategies for controlling them.

WS-37 $4.00
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renewable fuels, ethanol, biodiesel, DDGS - these terms and others like them have been in the news lately as we realize that the U.S. must reduce its dependence on foreign oil and petroleum-based fuel.
The publications in the Purdue Extension BioEnergy series will answer many of your questions on this increasingly important issue.

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Image: Gaining Ground on Arthritis: Managing Arthritis in the Agricultural WorkplaceGaining Ground on Arthritis: Managing Arthritis in the Agricultural Workplace
Millions of agricultural workers across the country suffer from arthritis. This 15 minute DVD shows you how to modify everyday farming and ranching tasks to manage the pains of the disease.

DVD-ABE-127 $25.00
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Today’s financial turmoil makes it more important than ever to carefully manage your credit. Purdue Extension has 10 fact sheets on the Web about credit management.