Steve Kest, executive director of ACORN, speaks at a news conference in Washington, D.C., on Wednesday. Gerald Herbert/AP Gerald Herbert/AP

Money Woes Muzzle
Independent Political Groups

In a presidential race that seems to include every possible political strategy, one element has barely been visible. There have been no high-impact independent groups like the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth, the outfit that nearly derailed John Kerry's campaign.


U.S. Economy Contracts, Signaling Recession

Gross domestic product fell at a 0.3 percent annual rate in the third quarter, as consumers reined in their spending.

'Internal Chatter' Limits Multitasking

The developing brain learns to juggle tasks, but as we age "internal chatter" increases.

Comcast Accused Of Deceptive Practices

Advocates say company appears to be trying to profit from upcoming transition to digital television.

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Election 2008 interactive map

Anti-Abortion Catholics Explain
Why They Support Obama

Some conservatives say they are backing the Democratic senator because they think the battle for Roe is lost.

Turkish soldier at Turkish Republic Day. Credit: Ivan Watson/NPR

Turkish Military Leaders Under Fire For Scandals

Several recent scandals have put the once untouchable Turkish military on the defensive.

A close-up photo of an older man and a young child  Credit:

'Internal Chatter' Limits Multitasking

The developing brain learns to juggle tasks, but as we age "internal chatter" increases.

John Maynard Keynes, the British economist who helped shape the Bretton Woods Agreement in 1944. Credit: Walter Stoneman/Samuel Bourne/Getty Images

Is The World Ready For
A New Bretton Woods?

In 1944, world leaders created new institutions and shaped monetary policy for decades.

Ken Rudin

Political Junkie

Is 2008 Really The
Year Of The Woman?

If you look beyond Hillary Clinton and Sarah Palin, you'll find at best a mixed landscape for female candidates.

a werewolf menaces a woman

Music Lists

Songs For The Spooky Season helps set the mood for your spookiest Halloween yet with this selection of surprisingly creepy folk songs.

Onda Nueva


Funk From Way South Of The Border

Listen to some of the best and most raucous Mexican funk tracks of the '60s and '70s.


Toni Morrison Reads A Mercy

Over four days this week, Toni Morrison reads from her soon-to-be released novel.
Listen online or get the podcast.

Day Four "There is only you..." »

John Updike; credit: Martha Updike


Updike's 'Witches' Return To Eastwick

John Updike's once unstoppable magic sisters are now 30 years older and back in their former haunts.

Tina Fey and Megan Mullaly. Photo: NBC

Monkey See

Can't Wait for Tonight's '30 Rock'? Don't!

She's been riding high as SNL's Sarah Palin. Now Tina Fey goes back to her day job. Addicts, rejoice: The season opener is online already.

Driveway Moment Promo
Peanut butter cup brownies. Credit: Susan Russo for NPR

Kitchen Window

Grown-Up Tricks For Treats

Halloween favorites like toffee bars and peanut butter cups star in these easy desserts.


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