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Benthic Macroinvertebrates

Sensitive Benthos

Moderately Tolerant Benthos

Pollution Tolerant Benthos

Adult Mayfly (Texas A&M Entomology)

Mayfly adult Exit EPA Disclaimer


incomplete (see our life cycle page for more information)


three distinct cerci (tails), occasionally two; cerci may be fuzzy or thread-like, but never paddle or fan-like; color varies from green, brown, gray, but usually black; total length up to 1 inch.


female deposits eggs on top of water where they drift to the bottom; some species crawl under water and attach eggs to submerged objects.


resemble nymphs, but usually possess two pair of long, lacy wings  folded upright; adults usually have only two cerci.


consists of small plant and animal debris, such as algae, diatoms, and plankton; preyed upon by fish and play an important role in the food chain.

Mayfly nymphs Epeorus (McKenzie Page)

Mayfly nymph (Epeorus)Exit EPA Disclaimer

Scientific Name:

  Class: Insecta
    Order: Ephemeroptera

Indicator Role:

mayflies display a varied tolerance to pollution, but are generally considered cleaner water benthos. 

Information Source:

McDonald, B., W. Borden, J. Lathrop.1990. Citizen Stream Monitoring: A Manual for Illinois. Illinois Department of Energy and Natural Resources, ILENR/RE-WR-90/18. Springfield, Illinois.

Burrowing mayfly (photo by Wayne Davis)

Burrowing Mayfly

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For more pictures, see our photo library on mayflies.

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