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Freshwater Fish Identification and Their Use as Indicators

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Fish have been used for many years to indicate whether waters are clean or polluted, doing better or getting worse. Knowing just whether fish live in the waters is not enough - we need to know what kinds of fish are there, how many, and their health. Fish are excellent indicators of watershed health because they:

Here are more specific attributes of fish that make them desirable components of biological assessments and monitoring programs.

The figure shows the use of fish in bioassessments

The figure above shows the use of fish in bioassessments (2001 base year). Fish were used in 41 state and tribal programs. From "Summary of Biological Assessment Programs and Biocriteria Development for States, Tribes, Territories, and Interstate Commissions: Streams and Wadeable Rivers (EPA-822-R-02-048)"

View larger version of image here.

Accurate assessment of environmental health


Summary of Biological Assessment Programs and Biocriteria Development for States, 
            Tribes, Territories, and Interstate Commissions: Streams and Wadeable 

From "Summary of Biological Assessment Programs and Biocriteria Development for States, Tribes, Territories, and Interstate Commissions: Streams and Wadeable Rivers (EPA-822-R-02-048)"

Ease of Use and Interpretation

(text from Simon and Lyons, Table 1, Application of the Index of Biotic Integrity to Evaluate Water Resource Integrity in Freshwater Ecosystems, Chapter 16, in Davis and Simon. 1995. Biological Assessment and Criteria - Tools for Water Resource Planning and Decision Making.)


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