Part C State Performance Plan (SPP) and Annual Performance Report (APR)

OMB NUMBER 1820-0578 / EXPIRATION DATE: 12/31/2009

Information Collection 1820-0578, Part C State Performance Plan (SPP) and Annual Performance Report (APR), contains both SPP and APR instructions.

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General Guidance and Instructions

  • OSEP Memo 08-5 to Lead Agency Directors, Part C Coordinators and State Interagency Coordinating Council Chairpersons and State Interagency Coordinating Council Chairpers dated November 16, 2007
    download files MS Word (54K) | PDF (15M)

  • Instruction Sheet - Part C State Performance Plan (SPP) and Annual Performance Report (APR) [Use for February 1, 2008 Submission]
    download files MS Word (60K) | PDF (285K)

  • Part C Related Requirements [Use for February 1, 2008 Submission]
    download files MS Word (60K) | PDF (285K)

  • Part C - SPP/APR Table 4 Error Checking Worksheet
    Note: "This workbook depends on macros for its functionality. If your Excel macro security is set to "medium," you will have access to the full value of this resource. You may change Excel security settings from the tools menu: go to Tools/Options/Security Tab/Macro Security and select the "medium" setting."

    download files MS Excel (52K)

  • Using Data to Guide Improvement Efforts: Data Analysis Workshop
    download files MS Word (52K) | PDF (42K)

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Tables and Templates

  • Part C Indicator Measurement Table [Use for February 1, 2008 Submission]
    download files MS Word (117K) | PDF (113K)

  • State Performance Plan Template(Unpopulated) [Use for February 1, 2008 Submission]
    download files MS Word (26K) | PDF (24K)

  • Annual Performance Report Template (Unpopulated) [Use for February 1, 2008 Submission]
    download files MS Word (24K) | PDF (22K)

  • Annual Report Certification of the Interagency Coordinating Council Under Part C of the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) [Forms to be submitted with Part C APR on February 1, 2008]
    download files MS Word (24K) | PDF (22K)

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Additional Resources

Additional resources, related to the Part C State Performance Report (SPP) and Annual Performance Report (APR) can be found at (See SPP/APR Guidance Materials.)

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Last Modified: 08/22/2008