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Operation and Maintenance

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Operation and Maintenance (O&M) is an important component of a Superfund response to ensure that the remedy performs as intended. Actions range from maintaining engineering containment structures (e.g., landfill covers) to operating ground water remediation systems. Generally, O&M is the responsibility of the Potentially Responsible Parties, States, or other Federal agencies. EPA is responsible for ensuring that the work is adequately performed. EPA also retains funding and operating responsibility for Fund-financed ground water restoration systems for up to 10 years (called Long Term Response Actions) prior to transferring these systems to the States for O&M.

Recommended Annual O&M/Remedy Evaluation Checklist For Contaminated Sediment Remedies (September 2008) (MS Word)
OSWER 9355.0-118 (10 pp, 350K)

Recommended Annual O&M/Remedy Evaluation Checklist (April 2008) (MS Word)
OSWER 9355.0-87 (27 pp, 774K)

National Contingency Plan (NCP) guidelines on Operation and Maintenance (PDF)
40 CFR Part 300.435(f) (2 pp, 51K)

"Directive on Paying for Remedy Repairs or Modifications during the State-Funded Period of Operation and Maintenance (O&M)" (April 2007) (PDF)
OSWER 9375.2-12 (4 pp, 1MB)

"O&M Report Template for Ground Water Remedies (With Emphasis on Pump and Treat Systems)" (April 2005) (PDF)
OSWER 9283.1-22FS, EPA 542-R-05-010 (58 pp, 1380K)

"Guidance for Monitoring at Hazardous Waste Sites: Framework for Monitoring Plan Development and Implementation" (April 2004) (PDF)
OSWER 9355.4-28 (64 pp, 1M)

"Transfer of Long-Term Response Action (LTRA) Projects to States" (July 2003) (PDF)
OSWER 9355.0-81FS, EPA 540-F-01-021. (11 pp, 162K)

"Operation and Maintenance in the Superfund Program" (May 2001) (PDF)
OSWER 9200.1-37FS, EPA 540-F-01-004. (11 pp, 197K)


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