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Mallard Lake Landfill Site

Site Information
  • Hanover Park, IL (DuPage County)
  • Alias(es): N/A
Contact Information

Community Involvement Coordinator
Mike Joyce (joyce.mike@epa.gov)
312-353-5546 or 800-621-8431, ext. 35546

On-Scene Coordinator
Steve Faryan (faryan.steven@epa.gov)
312-353-9351 or 800-621-8431, ext. 39351

Illinois EPA Community Relations Coordinator
Carol Fuller


Illinois Department of Public Health Regional Supervisor
Joe O'Connor



(where to view written records)

Sonya Crawshaw Branch
Poplar Creek Public Library District
4300 Audrey Lane
Hanover Park

Poplar Creek Public Library District
Main Library
1405 S. Park Ave.



In October 2007, methane gas was found in probes installed around the boundaries of the Mallard Lake Landfill in DuPage County, Illinois.

Methane gas was also discovered in soil at a testing location outside the landfill prompting the need for further investigation. In response to these findings, EPA asked the operator of the landfill BFI Waste Systems of North America, to do more sampling. On Nov. 6-10, BFI's contractors sampled for underground gas in the rights-of-way and public spaces outside the western boundaries of the landfill. The results of this sampling showed the presence of high levels of methane in five locations about 40 feet below ground. A shallower sample was taken on Dec. 3 in a public space and methane was discovered about 20 feet down. Methane gas develops naturally as a result of decomposition of landfill waste.

In addition to testing for gases, EPA has asked BFI to sample ground water near the landfill. On Nov. 13 and 15, DuPage County sampled 11 private wells along County Farm Road west of the landfill. No VOCs were detected in any of the water samples from these wells.

At the same time, investigative teams consisting of EPA and BFI contractors, under EPA oversight, began testing homes near the landfill for methane and other gases. Residents were also offered combustible gas indicators. As of Dec. 15, more than 70 homes have been screened and no explosive vapors have been found. More than 50 homes have had combustible gas indicators installed.

On Dec. 4, 2007, EPA entered into a legal agreement with BFI Waste systems of North America, Inc. and the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County to further investigate and address the problems at the landfill. This agreement is called an Administrative Order on Consent or AOC and may be viewed on this web site.

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