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Grand Traverse Overall Supply

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Contact Information

Community Involvement Coordinator
Don de Blasio (deblasio.don@epa.gov)
312-886-4360 or 800-621-8431, ext. 64360

Remedial Project Manager
Linda Martin (martin.lindab@epa.gov)

On-Scene Coordinator
Michelle Jaster (jaster.michelle@epa.gov)


(where to view written records)

Traverse Area District Library
22 Sixth St.
Traverse City



Grand Traverse Overall Supply was a commercial laundering and dry cleaning facility. GTOS began laundering operations in that building in 1953. These machines were removed during the1980s. Activities at the site between 1955 and 1968 included construction of a dry well and seepage lagoons to collect waste. In 1977 the facility began discharging waste to the sanitary sewer. A year later, the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) discovered groundwater contaminated with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) such as trichloroethylene (TCE) and perchlotoethlyene (PCE), impacting at least 10 wells. One of the wells supplied water to an adjacent elementary school. Contaninated wells were abandoned and new wells were drilled. The waste lagoons were drained and filled with gravel, and the contaminated soils around the dry well and on-site barrels of waste sludge were removed in the 1970s.

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