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Boerke Landfill

Site Information
  • Oak Creek, WI (Milwaukee County)
  • EPA ID# WID981189632
  • CERCLIS listing
  • Alias(es): Allis Chalmers-Boerke
Contact Information

Public Affairs Specialist
Rafael P. Gonzalez (gonzalez.rafaelp@epa.gov)
312-886-0269 or 800-621-8431, ext. 60269

Remedial Project Manager
Mike Collins (collins.michael@epa.gov)
(312) 886-6436

Site Manager
Tom Wentland (wentlt@mail01.dnr.state.wi.us)
Wisconsin DNR
(414) 229-0853


(where to view written records)

Oak Creek Public Library
8620 South Howell Avenue
Oak Creek, WI 53154



Prior to the 1940s, a portion of the site measuring approximately one-quarter acre served as a disposal area for arsenic wastes from an adjacent dye manufacturing facility located on the property directly north of the Boerke site. Results of investigations conducted by DuPont in the mid-1980s revealed that high levels of arsenic were present in several areas: disposal area soils; sediment in an adjacent wetland; and sediment in portions of a drainage swale that extends from the wetland to the north along the property boundary to Lake Michigan.

In December 1994, at the request of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR), U.S. EPA performed a site investigation to determine the need for U.S. EPA assistance and cleanup. After collecting and analyzing a limited number of soil and sediment samples at various locations on the site, U.S. EPA determined that the site posed a potential threat to human health and the environment and that a cleanup was needed.

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