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Skinner Landfill

Site Information
Contact Information

Community Involvement Coordinator
Susan Pastor (pastor.susan@epa.gov)
312-353-1325 or 800-621-8431, ext. 31325

Remedial Project Manager

Scott Hansen
312-886-1999 or 800-621-8431, ext. 61999


(where to view written records)

Middletown Public Library System
The West Chester Branch
7900 Cox Road
West Chester, OH 45069



The 78-acre Skinner Landfill site is located in southern Ohio, about 40 miles north of Cincinnati. It is located on a ridge above the east fork of Mill Creek in West Chester. While in operation from the late 1950s until July 1990, the landfill (which actually covers about 10 acres including a one-acre lagoon) accepted municipal, industrial, construction, and commercial waste including solvents, pesticides, and heavy metals.

A final cleanup plan was selected in June 1993 that included constructing a landfill cap over the landfill and lagoon area, digging and moving contaminated soil outside the area onto the landfill and covered by the cap, and intercepting, capturing and discharging contaminated ground water to the publicly owned treatment works and operating and maintaining the site for 30 years. Per a 1994 legal agreement called a consent order, several companies determined responsible for the contamination agreed to design the cleanup. Another legal agreement called a consent decree was signed in federal court 2001 and the cleanup was completed later that year.

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Site Updates

April 2009

EPA completed a review of the landfill's cleanup. This type of review is required at least every five years where the cleanup is complete but hazardous waste remains managed on-site. These reviews are done to ensure that the cleanup continues to protect people and the environment.

The review included:
• An evaluation of background information
• Cleanup requirements
• Effectiveness of the cleanup and any anticipated future actions
• Maintenance and monitoring efforts
• An analysis of ways for EPA to operate more efficiently

The review found that the cleanup continues to protect people and the environment. The next scheduled review will be in 2014.


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