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Technical Service Center

Client Support and Technical Presentations Office

Presentations, Videos, and Speeches

Expertise and Experience

We write, illustrate, edit, and polish presentations, powerpoints, and speeches for conferences, workshops, and other types of meetings both within and outside the Bureau of Reclamation. We can develop public outreach plans, news releases, and other documents to help your audience better understand your project and your message.

Outside presentations we have developed include those for conferences of the Society for Technical Communication, American Computing Machinery Hypertext, the Society for Literary Studies, the International Association for Impact Assessment, and the International Association for Public Practitioners and International Conference on Large Dams.

Coordinating your presentation

Writers and editors can coordinate the work on presentations or speeches from the planning stage through writing and editing to printing. This includes communicating with you and others to write, review, revise, and edit your text. We can help you integrate material from a variety of disciplines into a cohesive, coherent, and consistent document.

Scripting your message

CSTPO can help you weave your ideas into an interesting and informative video script. We can prepare an initial storyline to present to your decision-makers.

After approval, we can help develop an effective script and coordinate videotaping, place your final production on the most effective format, and help you select the most effective background music and narrator.

Writers and editors also has experience writing interpretive text for exhibits and displays on environmental, technical, policy, and administrative topics.

Writers and editors can help you coordinate all the work on your video or interpretative text. This includes communicating with you and other team members to develop materials and write, review, revise, and edit your text. We will follow a format you develop or suggest a new one to best suits your readers needs. We can help you integrate material from a variety of disciplines into a cohesive, coherent, and consistent script or text.


Call us for all your communication needs:
View our recent work
Multi-Media | Exhibits | Presentations, videos, and speeches | Posters | Kiosk Design | Interactive Education | Meetings | Brochures |Newsletters |Environmental and planning documents |Technical reports | Manuals | Training materials | Web design | CD and PDF Creation