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Technical Service Center —
Client Support and Technical Presentations Office

Environmental Compliance Documents

Expertise and Experience

Our writers, illustrators, and editors understand the complexities of NEPA (National Environmental Policy Act) and know how to ensure your documents comply with NEPA regulations. We use an effective system for reviewing analyses and ensuring the consistency of your NEPA documents. We have significant experience writing environmental impact statements, records of decision, environmental assessments, and findings of no significant impact. Some recent successes include Platte River FEIS, Glen Canyon Dam Operations EIS, Yakima River Basin Water Enhancement Project Programmatic EIS, Water Island EA, and the Shasta Temperature Control EA. We are currently working on the Platte River EIS, Truckee River Operating Agreement EIS, Keechelus Safety of Dams EIS and many others. The Glen Canyon Dam Operations EIS received both the Regional and International Award of Merit from the Society for Technical Communication.

Document Coordination

Our writers, illustrators, and editors can coordinate the work on your environmental report from the planning stage through writing and editing to printing and distribution. This includes communicating with you and other team members to write, review, revise, and edit your text. We will follow a format you develop or suggest a new design. We can help you integrate material from a variety of disciplines into a cohesive, coherent, and consistent document. Check our estimates.

Our staff also can maintain your mailing list and coordinate final distribution.

Desktop Publishing

We provide desktop publishing services and incorporate graphics and photos making the documents we handle attractive and reader-friendly as well as clear and concise.


Members of our staff have written many EISs and EAs and have completed significant NEPA training.

Reclamation and CSTPO Resources for NEPA compliance

We write, edit, and publish EISs, EAs, RODs, and FONSIs. Our outlines of reports are MS Word® files, which may be used as models for other reports of the type. Click to download to your hard drive:


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View our recent work
Multi-Media | Exhibits | Visitor Centers | Presentations, videos, and speeches | Posters | Kiosk Design | Interactive Education | Meetings | Brochures |Newsletters | Environmental and planning documents |Technical reports | Manuals | Training materials | Web design | CD and PDF Creation