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Technical Service Center —
Client Support and Technical Presentations Office

Education and Training

We have written and coordinated developing a variety of training materials including workbooks. Our staff includes writers experienced at developing scripts and materials for training. We have developed curricula for courses and workshops both inside and outside of Reclamation. We also have developed an award-winning process of online training, Decision Process Guidebook, for teams, managers, and publics to get to effective decisions. we can coordinate a video or slide show to complement your training. We can help you present your ideas in interesting, informative, and cost-effective presentations.

Interactive Education

Our first effort in interactive educational games was a big hit. Water Force 2020 is an interactive game where you are sent back in time from the year 2020 to the present to save water for the future. The more water you save the better things will be when you return home. This educational game can be modified for your particular part of the country. Modification & completion is inexpensive and quick. We created the script, music and score.


Call us for all your communication needs:
View our recent work
Multi-Media | Exhibits | Visitor Centers | Presentations, videos, and speeches | Posters | Kiosk Design | Interactive Education and Training | Meetings | Brochures |Newsletters |Environmental and planning documents |Technical reports | Manuals | Training materials | Web design | CD and PDF Creation