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For The Community

Teen Wellness

A Free, Abstinence Based Education Program for Teens

Did You Know...

This educational program of the Erie County Department of Health is available through the Buffalo City Schools at both high schools and elementary schools, from grades 7 through 12. Teen Wellness can also be offered at community organizations and at Women's Health Services clinics, as needed. In groups of 20-25 teens, you can learn about reproductive health specifically for teenagers, sexuality, adolescence and its challenges, reproductive anatomy for both females and males, self-esteem, asset building, human growth and development, how life is created, teen pregnancy, how to prevent teen pregnancy, contraception advantages and risks, assertive training, making healthy decisions in relationships, maintaining abstinence, dating, date rape, alcohol and tobacco abuse, sexually transmitted infections like herpes, chlamydia, gonorrhea etc., and HIV/AIDS. Skill based presentations, crafts, videos, and group discussions make the program a safe vehicle for adolescents to learn in an informal way, giving them a place to ask questions, and challenge new ideas with their peers. The ever so popular Baby Think It Over Program is also offered as part of the training. Typically, groups are held after school with refreshments offered and tokens provided for transportation. As well, classes can be held during health classes. Parent permission is required.

For more information on Teen Wellness call 858-7718.