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Lake Superior Lakewide Management Plan 2008

Since 1991, as called for in the Canada-U.S. Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement, the Lake Superior Lakewide Management Plan (LaMP) has provided an assessment of the state of the Lake Superior ecosystem, including its ecological impairments, emerging issues and their causes, and gaps in knowledge which require further research and monitoring. The LaMP has also identified additional actions required to achieve LaMP goals and targets. The Lake Superior Binational Program partners are continuing to develop and implement the LaMP. The many accomplishments of both the Zero Discharge Demonstration Program (ZDDP) and the Broader Program (the two components of the Binational Program) reinforce the concept of the Lake Superior LaMP as an exemplary model for binational cooperative ecosystem management of the Great Lakes.

Great Lakes Lakewide Management Plans (LaMPS)

Further information:

Elizabeth LaPlante
(312) 353-2694

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