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Background - Reducing Diesel Emissions

What are some actions being taken to reduce diesel emissions in the Midwest?

Regulating Diesel Emissions Nationally: EPA has developed regulations to reduce diesel emissions. The Clean Diesel Trucks and Buses and Low Sulfur Diesel Rule requires cleaner heavy duty engines beginning in model year 2007, and also mandates clean fuels like ultra low sulfur diesel (ULSD) in October 2006.

In May 2004, EPA promulgated the Clean Air Non-Road Diesel Rule that will result in dramatic pollution reductions from non-road, heavy-duty diesel engines in construction, agriculture and industrial equipment. In 2030, when these rules are fully implemented, harmful pollution will be cut by 95 percent.

National Voluntary Efforts

Regional Voluntary Efforts:

Midwest Clean Diesel Initiative: While complementing the activities that NCDC will be focusing on nationally, Midwest Clean Diesel Initiative (MCDI) is working with its key stakeholders throughout Region 5 to focus on voluntary efforts to reduce diesel emissions in focus areas that rail, ports, agriculture-freight and Border Crossing areas between the U.S. and Canada.

MCDI will leverage financial and technical resources and work to reduce diesel engine emissions with stakeholders in focus areas including the trucking industry, rail companies, port authorities, and agricultural companies. We will continue to work with partners in municipalities and school districts to reduce emissions from bus fleets and publicly-owned vehilces. Furthermore, MCDI will work with partners in educating key groups about diesel technologies, fuels, and actions that can minimize diesel engine emissions.

Midwest Clean Diesel Initiative Overview (PDF, 4 pgs., 2,683 KB About PDF)

In addition, the following voluntary diesel emisison reduction efforts are occuring in other regions of the U.S.:

Northeast Diesel Collaborative Exit EPA Disclaimer

Mid-Atlantic Diesel Collaborative Exit EPA Disclaimer

Southeast Diesel Collaborative Exit EPA Disclaimer

Blue SkywaysExit EPA Disclaimer

West Coast Diesel Emissions Reductions Collaborative Exit EPA Disclaimer

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