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The following materials are offered to support our partners and those interested in the Midwest Clean Diesel Initiative's resource information.

NEW: Read the current MCDI e-Update and browse our past issues here.

Fact Sheets:

You will need Adobe Reader to view some of the files on this page. See EPA's PDF page to learn more.

National Clean Diesel Campaign Publications:
Includes national fact sheets or documents with statistics on diesel program, cost effectiveness of reducing particulate matter from heavy-duty diesel engines using retrofit technology, project summary information, and a general overview of the National Clean Diesel Campaign.

Midwest Clean Diesel Initiative Fact Sheets:

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State-Specific Fact Sheets:

City-Specific Fact Sheets:

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Presentations from Midwest Clean Diesel Initiative supported workshops are available in pdf..

2006 Events | 2005 Events

2006 Events

"Tools & Incentives for Green Diesel Technology: Lower Emissions, Higher Profits"

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"Tools for Cleaning Up Illinois Diesel"
May 2, 2006 at BP Naperville, IL Complex
Agenda (PDF, 3 pgs., 98 KB )
Event Summary (PDF, 6 pgs., 628 KB )
Organizers & Sponsor Information (PDF, 1 page, 2138 KB )
(PDF, 1 page, 1657 KB )
"Overview of the Clean Air Act and the Importance of Voluntary Programs" (PDF, 16 pgs., 2229 KB )
"Illinois - Meeting the Clean Air Challenges" (PDF, 14 pgs., 178 KB )
"Overview of Retrofit Technologies, Regulations, and Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel" (PDF, 32 pgs., 1025 KB )
"Retrofit Overview" (PDF, 16 pgs., 761 KB )
"ULSD Transition" (PDF, 17 pgs., 124 KB )
"Biodiesel Production" (PDF, 12 pgs., 336 KB )
"Compressed Natural Gas Heavy-Duty Vehicles" (PDF, 29 pgs., 871 KB )
"Biodiesel and Hybrid Vehicle Use in a Private Fleet" (PDF, 7 pgs., 41 KB )
"Hybrid Diesel Vehicles" (PDF, 18 pgs., 1044 KB )
"Hybrid City Fleet" (PDF, 49 pgs., 5422 KB )
"Hybrid Hydraulic Vehicles" (PDF, 18 pgs., 253 KB )
"CREATE" (PDF, 15 pgs., 906 KB )
"Financing Locomotive Idle Reduction Technologies and the Ontario NOx Emissions Trading Program" (PDF, 34 pgs., 1955 KB )
"SmartWay Transport Partnership and APUs" (PDF, 15 pgs., 1307 KB )
"Advanced Truck Stop Electrification" (PDF, 15 pgs., 2038 KB )
"Clean Air Construction on the Dan Ryan Expressway" (PDF, 20 pgs., 4986 KB )
"O'Hare Modernization Program" (PDF, 16 pgs., 1959 KB )
"CTA Fleet Modernization Program ULSD, Hybrid Buses" (PDF, 16 pgs., 2188 KB )
"Walsh Construction" (PDF, 20 pgs., 4987 KB, )
"City of Chicago Fleet Modernization Program" (PDF, 16 pgs., 1245 KB )
"DERA, Congressional Update" (PDF, 12 pgs., 214 KB )
"Opportunities for Diesel Emission Reduction Projects under the CMAQ Program" (PDF, 8 pgs., 35 KB )
"Southeast Environmental Task Force-South Suburban Good Neighbor and Clean Diesel Initiatives" (PDF, 11 pgs., 1147 KB )
"Chicago Climate Exchange-New Market Mechanisms for Financing Clean Transport" (PDF, 23 pgs., 173 KB )

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2005 Events

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Case Studies

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