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FY08 Clean Diesel Grants and State Allocations

For fiscal year 2008, Congress appropriated funds for the first time under the Energy Policy Act (2005) to help reduce harmful emissions from heavy duty diesel engines. Through the National Clean Diesel Campaign, EPA awarded grants to assist its eligible partners in building diesel emission reduction programs across the country that improve air quality and protect public health. For fiscal year 2008, the amount of funding available nationally was $49.2 million.

Clean Diesel funding was split into two basic components:

EPA Region 5, through the Midwest Clean Diesel Initiative, awarded grants to assist its eligible partners in reducing diesel emissions across the region. EPA Region 5 provided approximately $5 million in funding for the deployment of EPA and CARB-verified and certified technologies.

For more information about both the National Clean Diesel program and the State Clean Diesel program, please see:

For More Information:

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FY08 Funding Results

FY08 MCDI Competitive Results:

On February 26, 2009, EPA Region 5 announced the award of thirteen competitive grants totaling $4,879,033 to entities across Region 5. The grants were applied for under EPA 's 2008 MCDI competition. A brief summary of each grant awarded, including the amount awarded, is listed below.

Fiscal Year 2008 Region 5 DERA Competitive Grants ($4,879,033):

You can read EPA's press release announcing the funding and expected results of the competitive workplans by clicking here (coming soon).

DERA State Allocations:

In 2008, all 6 Region 5 states applied for DERA State Allocation funding. All 6 states provided a 100% funding match, and therefore received EPA's match incentive. Each state has roughly half a million dollars to direct toward clean diesel activities. Workplans for each state have been reviewed and approved by EPA Region 5, and summaries, funding information, and web links for each state's plan are provided below.

You can read EPA's press release announcing the funding and expected results of the state programs by clicking here.

Illinois: EPA Allocation: $196,880
State Match: $200,000
EPA Match incentive: $98,440
Total: $495,320

The Illinois EPA, in coordination with its partners in the Illinois Clean Diesel Workgroup, will administer the Illinois Clean Diesel Grant Program (ICDGP), which is part of the Illinois Green Fleets initiative.  Illinois has matched EPA’s allocation with state Supplemental Environmental Project dollars, thereby receiving EPA’s additional match incentive, bringing Illinois’ program total to $495,320 for 2008.  The Illinois Clean Diesel Grant Program will provide funds for the installation of diesel oxidation catalysts, closed crankcase ventilation systems, particulate matter filters, and anti-idling equipment including direct-fired heaters and auxiliary power units. If funds are available, diesel-electric hybrid vehicles will also be considered.  The Illinois Clean Diesel Grant Program will provide grants to projects which focus on school districts, local governments, businesses, and truck owners/operators.  Target vehicles include school buses, shuttle buses, diesel vehicles that operate in residential areas, and over the road trucks that are located and spend significant driving time in Illinois.

Additional information can be found at the Illinois Green Fleets web pageExit EPA Disclaimer

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Indiana: EPA Allocation: $196,880
State Match: $198,419
EPA Match incentive: $98,440
Total: $493,739

The Indiana Department of Environmental Management will administer the State of Indiana Clean Diesel Grant Allocation Program.  Indiana has matched EPA’s allocation with Supplemental Environmental Project dollars, thereby receiving EPA’s additional match incentive, bringing Indiana’s total program total to $493,739 for 2008.  The Indiana Clean Diesel Grant Allocation Program will provide funding for a variety of aftermarket technologies including, but not limited to, diesel oxidation catalysts, diesel particulate filters, closed crankcase filtration systems, idle reduction technologies for on-road and non-road diesel engines, as well as technologies to improve the fuel efficiency of diesel locomotives.  Projects will reduce diesel emissions across Indiana. 

Additional Information can be found at the Indiana Department of Environmental Management web pageExit EPA Disclaimer

Ohio: EPA Allocation: $196,880
State Match: $196,880
EPA Match incentive: $98,440
Total: $492,200

The Ohio EPA will use EPA’s State Clean Diesel Grant Program funds to augment the Ohio Clean Diesel School Bus Fund.  The Ohio Clean Diesel School Bus Fund provides subgrants from $5,000 to $100,000 to public school districts in Ohio for the purchase and installation of EPA and/or California Air Resources Board verified technologies to reduce diesel emissions on school buses.  Priority is given to school districts in PM2.5 nonattainment areas or areas with an anti-idling or other pollution reduction program in place.  Emissions reductions from Ohio Clean Diesel School Bus Fund projects will be calculated using EPA’s Diesel Emissions Quantifier. Ohio EPA hopes to retrofit 384 school buses in the next two years through EPA’s State Clean Diesel Grant Program funds.

Additional Information at the Ohio Clean Diesel School Bus Fund web pageExit EPA Disclaimer

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Michigan: EPA Allocation: $196,880
Private Match: $200,000
EPA Match incentive: $98,440
Total: $495,320

The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, in coordination with its partners in the Michigan Clean Diesel Initiative, will administer the Southeast Michigan Diesel Reduction Project.  EPA’s allocation was matched by a private contribution by Marathon Oil Company to qualify the project for EPA’s match incentive, which brings Michigan’s program total to $495,320 for 2008.  The Southeast Michigan Diesel Reduction Project is focused on decreasing diesel emissions through the retrofit of school buses in metropolitan Detroit.  Reductions will occur by installation of EPA and/or California Air Resources Board verified technologies, including diesel particulate filters, diesel oxidation catalysts, or crank case filtration systems.  The project will also provide a general education and outreach component which will be administered by the project’s partners and the Michigan Clean Diesel Initiative.

Additional Information can be found at the Michigan Clean Diesel Coalition web pageExit EPA Disclaimer

Minnesota: EPA Allocation: $196,880
State Match: $196,880
EPA Match incentive: $98,440
Total: $492,200

The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, in conjunction with Minnesota Environmental Initiative’s Clean Air Minnesota, will use EPA’s State Clean Diesel Program funds to augment two existing clean diesel projects across the state (Project Green Fleet and the Minnesota Small Business Assistance Loan Program).  Minnesota has matched EPA’s allocation with a portion of $1.2 million which has been set aside by the Minnesota state legislature specifically for clean diesel activities throughout the state, thereby qualifying for EPA’s match incentive.  This brings the augmentation total to $492,200 for 2008.  With a portion of these funds, Project Green Fleet will be able to retrofit an additional 55 school buses in the first year with EPA and/or California Air Resources Board verified technologies, including diesel oxidation catalysts.  The remainder of the funds will augment the Minnesota Small Business Assistance Program, which will result in 11 auxiliary power units installed on long-haul trucks in the first year.  These two activities will reduce diesel emissions across the state, and will help alleviate children’s exposure to harmful diesel exhaust.  

Additional information can be found at the Project Green Fleet web pageExit EPA Disclaimer

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Wisconsin: EPA Allocation: $196,880
  State Match: $196,880
  EPA Match incentive: $98,440
  Total: $492,200

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources will administer a funding program to issue grants to diesel fleets.  The program will address both on-road and off-road equipment across the State.  Wisconsin has provided a match using funds from the Wisconsin Department of Commerce’s Small Business Auxiliary Power Unit grant program, as well as with portions of two State employees’ time commitments, thereby receiving EPA’s match incentive and bringing the total project budget to $492,200 for 2008.  The program hopes to offer grants to on-road equipment owners for idling reduction devices, as well as retrofit equipment such as diesel oxidation catalysts and diesel particulate filters.  Non-road equipment owners can apply for grants for idle reduction devices, diesel oxidation catalysts, and engine repowers.  There will be funding match requirements for applicants who wish to install idle reduction equipment or repower their vehicles.  The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources expects to award grants to 21 fleets in 2008.

Additional information can be found at the Wisconsin Clean Diesel Coalition web pageExit EPA Disclaimer

For more information about FY08 funding, contact Sharleen Phillips (phillips.sharleen@epa.gov).

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