Families USA: The Voice for Health Care Consumers



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Welcome to Families USA!

Since 1982, Families USA has worked to promote high-quality,
affordable health care for all Americans.


The race isn't over—
it has only just begun!

In January, President Obama will be inaugurated and a new Congress will be sworn in, giving us the best chance in nearly two decades to achieve meaningful health reform.

But that won't happen unless we start now.

We've worked hard all year to make sure that those who asked for our votes promised to fix health care. Now let's make sure they make good on those promises! Click here to find out what you can do.

New Resources from Families USA


Left Behind: America's Uninsured Children: The Bush Administration's opposition to expanding CHIP, as well as the economic crisis, have put new pressure on states to deal with the growing need for health coverage. These state-specific reports examine new data and discuss the future of children's health coverage. l Press Releases (October-November 2008)

Premiums versus Paychecks: A Growing Burden for Workers: Over the last eight years, health care costs have skyrocketed, while working families’ wages have stood still, putting a significant strain on family budgets. This series of state-specific reports examine what these trends mean for working families. | Press Releases (October 2008)

Congress Delivers Help to People with Medicare: An Overview of the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act discusses the positive changes the Medicare Improvements for Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA) makes to Medicare. These changes include the improvement of Medicare health care benefits, the creation of policies designed to reduce racial and ethnic disparities among beneficiaries, and the reining in of inefficient private Medicare Advantage plans. (October 2008)

Limited-Benefit Plans: Expanding Coverage or Holding Your State Back? examines the negative effects of limited-benefit insurance plans. This brief also discusses how advocates can respond to limited-benefit proposals in their states. (October 2008)

An Unequal Burden: The True Cost of High-Deductible Health Plans for Communities of Color discusses the costs associated with high-deductible health plans and why these expenses are disproportionately unaffordable for racial and ethnic minorities.  (September 2008)

See Presidential Plans in Action, featuring Families USA's explanation of how the presidential candidates' health plans would affect the people depicted in this PBS special.

Health Coverage in Communities of Color: Talking about the New Census Numbers takes a closer look at the 2007 uninsured data. The number of uninsured was considerably higher in 2007 than it was in 2000, and communities of color continue to bear the brunt of this crisis. (September 2008)

Harry and Louise Return!

They were the characters in the infamous 1993 TV ad that helped derail health care reform for the past 15 years. Now Harry and Louise are back — and they're singing a very different tune. Watch the new ad, and see what Harry and Louise are saying 15 years later.

For an in-depth analysis of Senator McCain's and Senator Obama's health care plans, see Health Care and the 2008 Presidential Election: Comparing the Candidates’ Positions on Health Care. For a shorter summary, see McCain versus Obama: Key Health Plan Differences. (August 2008) To see how Senator McCain's and Senator Obama's health care plans will affect health insurance costs, see The Candidates and Your Health Care Costs (October 2008)

Empty Promise: Searching for Health Insurance in an Unfair Market (August 2008)

Mountain Health Choices: An Unhealthy Choice for West Virginians (August 2008)

Is your state considering Medicaid cuts?
Find out what effect a proposed state cut in Medicaid spending would have on your state's economy. Our Medicaid Calculator will calculate the loss in business activity, jobs, and wages.

March 24 was World TB Day. Play the game and help us "Whack TB" once and for all.

Viewpoints—The Health Care Debate: Families USA Executive Director Ron Pollack discusses the current state of health care and its role in the 2008 election. Watch | Read

The Fight to Save Children's Health Insurance Continues

See the video—then sign the petition.
CHIP-ing Away at the Myths Countering the false statements about the legislation l Press Statements
See singer-songwriter Paul Simon
 call Bush veto a "heartless act."

Conference Call Series for State Advocates: Listen to the calls from the 2008 series.

Key Voices Unite to Expand Coverage: Coalition of diverse groups announced historic agreement to work together to expand health coverage for the uninsured. First focus is on covering children. Click here to learn more.

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Health Action 2009
Jan. 29-31, 2009

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Accepting applications for the 2009-2010 Wellstone and Villers Fellowships in September

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