HAZUS-MH MR2 FAQs: Software Tools

Would you be able to provide the general directions to import data successfully processed by BIT into the HAZUS study region to replace the default building count, building exposure, building content exposure, square footage and occupancy mapping schemes?

The process of importing into the Building Inventory Tool (BIT) is as follows and is more or less the same as the site specific data import.

Let's assume that you have an Earthquake Region for which you have already run BIT and generated the dataset. The following are the steps to import the dataset.

  1. Launch HAZUS-MH and open your Earthquake region.
  2. If you want to import Square Footage, Building Count, Building Exposure or Buildings Content Exposure, then open the corresponding table from the Inventory | General Building Stock menu.
  3. Right click on the table and select Start Editing.
  4. Right click again and click on Import option.
  5. This will show you a list of Census Tracts if you have already run BIT to generate aggregated data for this region. If you have not run BIT to generate aggregated data for this region, you will get a message, "There is no data to import. Run BIT tool to generate data."
  6. Select the Census Tract from which you want to import the data and click OK button.
  7. This will start the import process and you will see a hourglass cursor as long as the import process is going on.
  8. Once the import completes, close the table by clicking the Close button.
  9. Open the table again and you will see the values you imported from BIT.

The process for importing Mapping Schemes is also similar.

  1. Launch HAZUS-MH and open your Earthquake region.
  2. If you want to import Occupancy Mapping Schemes then open the Occupancy Mapping Scheme dialog from Inventory | General Building Stock Occupancy Mapping menu.
  3. Right click on the list of schemes click on Import... option.
  4. This will show you a list of Census Tracts if you have already run BIT to generate aggregated data for this region. If you have not run BIT to generate data for this region, you will get a message "There is no data to import. Run BIT tool to generate data."
  5. Select the Census Tract from which you want to import the data and click OK button.
  6. This will start the Occupancy Mapping Schemes import process and you will see a hourglass cursor as long as the import process is going on. This process may take a good amount of time if you select a large number of Census Tract (more than 300).
  7. Once the import completes, close the Occupancy Mapping dialog by clicking the Close button.
  8. Open the table again and you will see the list of all the Mapping Schemes imported from BIT.
  9. Right click on the list and click on Assign. This will display the Occupancy Mapping - Assign dialog.
  10. Assign the new mapping schemes to the specific tracts. You can use the Auto option also for this assignment.

Need Additional Help? Email: HAZUSGenHelp@nibs.org

Last Modified: Friday, 12-Oct-2007 15:17:36 EDT

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