Secretary Addresses Great City Schools
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March 20, 2006

Secretary Spellings speaks to a conference of the Council of the Great City Schools.

Clip #1:   ListenStream (:07)
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Transcript: With No Child Left Behind we laid a strong foundation. And we also know that our work and our attentions must turn to high schools.

Clip #2:   ListenStream (:13)
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Transcript: The 2006 Beating the Odds study confirms what we saw in the latest education report card last summer, that we are on our way and that great city schools are leading the way. And that if you all can do this work, anybody can do this work.

Clip #3:   ListenStream (:13)
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Transcript: Ninety percent of the fastest-growing jobs today require postsecondary education. If you want to have a job with a future, not only do you have to get out of high school but you probably have to have sixteen years of education.

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Last Modified: 07/18/2006