Education Officials Testify on Bush Administration's FY 2005 Budget to Help Prepare and Train Nation's Workforce
Archived Information

April 1, 2004
Contact: Jane Glickman or Jim Bradshaw
(202) 401-1576

Two senior U.S. Education Department officials today urged Congress to approve the Bush administration's FY 2005 budget proposals for a range of educational programs that would help the nation's workforce compete in the changing 21st century job market.

In testimony before the House Appropriations Subcommittee on Workforce Training, Susan Sclafani, assistant secretary for the office of vocational and adult education programs, and Sally L. Stroup, assistant secretary for the office of postsecondary education, stressed the need for highly educated, better-trained workers who possess a broader set of skills in a variety of areas.

Sclafani underscored the need for a "fresh approach" to postsecondary and workforce preparation of high school students "if we want to equip all of our people with the skills demanded by our 21st century economy."

Stroup's testimony highlighted, among other things, programs that help prepare students academically and financially to pursue and succeed in postsecondary education and training.

Their testimony is available at:



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Last Modified: 04/01/2004