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Renewable Portfolio Standards

Renewable Portfolio Standards Documents

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Renewable portfolio standards (RPS) establish requirements for electric utilities and other retail electric providers to serve a specified minimum percentage (or absolute amount) of customer load with eligible sources of renewable electricity.

RPS requirements can be used in both regulated and unregulated state electricity markets and can help states achieve their renewable policy objectives. As of March 2009, RPS requirements or goals have been established in 33 states plus the District of Columbia. Thirteen of these states include CHP or waste heat recovery as an eligible resource, and Arizona explicitly includes renewable fueled CHP systems. Due to the increased efficiencies of CHP systems, Connecticut and Pennsylvania have included an additional tier or class in their RPS rules specifically for CHP.

RPS Benefits

RPS requirements produce a number of benefits, such as reducing emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gases, increasing diversity and security of energy supply, and reducing price volatility in energy markets. RPS requirements also promote economic development and create new jobs related to manufacturing, installing, and servicing RPS-eligible equipment and facilities.

Specific State Examples

Additional Resources

If you would like additional assistance, please contact Katrina Pielli (pielli.katrina@epa.gov).

1 Demand Response (DR) resources must be registered with ISO-New England. DR resources must be on the load side, not supply side (no diesel generators).

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