"Dept. of Education Defends NCLB"

This letter to the editor by the Secretary's Regional Representative Smith appeared in the Ithaca (NY) Times on February 15, 2007.

I am happy that Raymond Craib and Cynthia Brock have chosen Beverly J. Martin Elementary School ("NCLB Is Failing, Not BJM School," [IT; 1/31/07). That's their right.

And, it's the point of the No Child Left Behind Act. We want all parents to make the very best decisions for their children. NCLB provides parents with timely information about the quality of their child's school, based on the academic performance of its students.

Schools that do not make the grade for two years running must offer parents new options, including the choice to attend a better-performing public school or public charter school. This sends a message to all schools: Continue to improve or face the loss of your customers.

New York's schools have responded. Fourth-grade math achievement rose 11 points in two years. In 2005, a record 70 percent of fourth-graders met all state learning standards in English, 22 points better than in 1999. This included, for the first time, a majority of African-American and Hispanic students. President Bush has proposed adding more charter school and even private school options to the mix. We believe giving families a choice under NCLB is not just the right thing to do—it works—no matter what choice is made.

Valarie Maffei Smith
Secretary's Regional Representative, Region II
New York, NY

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Last Modified: 03/15/2007