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Charter Schools Program
This program provides financial assistance for the planning, program design, and initial implementation of charter schools, and the dissemination of .. (Jun 10, 2008)
School Choices for Parents
This page provides parents with definitions for school choice options. (Jan 12, 2006)
Innovations in Education: Successful Charter Schools -- TOC
Elements of effective charter schools and stories of eight successful charter schools are presented in this report, the third in our .. (Jun 15, 2004)
U.S. Charter Schools
The U.S. Charter Schools Web site provides information and resources relating to charter schools in the U.S. Resources include legislative information, research .. (Aug 10, 2001)
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See Also See Also:
Public Charter Schools Program
Parochial Schools
Proprietary Schools
School Restructuring
Catholic Schools
High Schools
Law Schools
Two Year Colleges
Medical Schools
Black Colleges
Disadvantaged Schools
Private Schools
Educational Environment
Transfer Students
Tribally Controlled Education
Urban Schools
Accreditation (Institutions)
Effective Schools Research
Nongraded Instructional Grouping
School Safety
Excellence in Education
Military Schools
Open Education
Secretary's Corner No Child Left Behind Higher Education American Competitiveness Meet the Secretary On the Road with the Secretary
No Child Left Behind
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