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OCR Complaint Process
Information about the Office for Civil Rights complaint process, guidance for filing a complaint, and forms. (Apr 23, 2008)
Office for Civil Rights
Home page and access point for the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) website. (Jun 11, 2007)
OCR: Athletic Equity Resources
Links to OCR resources relating to Title IX, Athletics, and Equity (Oct 18, 2001)
Limited-English Proficient Resources
OCR resources about civil rights issues regarding English Language Learning and Limited English Proficient students (Oct 12, 2001)
OCR Policy Overview
OCR guidance to recipients of federal financial assistance about developing non-discrimination policies. (Oct 12, 2001)
Race/National Origin Discrimination (Title VI)
This page provides links to resources on discrimination against race or national origin. (Feb 20, 2001)
Sex Discrimination
This page provides links to resources on sex discrimination. (Feb 20, 2001)
Age Discrimination
Links to OCR resources relating to age discrimination and compliance with the Age Discrimination Act of 1975. (Feb 12, 2001)
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See Also See Also:
Equal Education
Due Process
Teacher Rights
Student Rights
Childrens Rights
Parent Rights
United States History
Civil Liberties
Minority Groups
Engineering Education
Child Welfare
Gender Equity
Academic Freedom
Faculty College Relationship
Secretary's Corner No Child Left Behind Higher Education American Competitiveness Meet the Secretary On the Road with the Secretary
No Child Left Behind
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