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US Department of Education - OCFO / Grants & Contracts Information
Information on grants and contracts, the Federal Register Announcements, Protection of Human Subjects in Research, and other .. (Feb 27, 2003)
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA) [ED]
This web site gives you access to a database of all Federal domestic assistance programs. (Aug 15, 2001)
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See Also See Also:
Federal Aid
State Federal Aid
Financial Aid Forms
Court Litigation
International Programs
Federal Regulation
Other (Type of Assistance)
Employee Assistance Programs
Technical Assistance
Federal Legislation
Federal State Relationship
Federal Programs
Need Analysis (Student Financial Aid)
Student Loan Programs
Welfare Services
Federal Government
Beginning Teacher Induction
Student Financial Aid
Work Study Programs
State Aid
Financial Aid Applicants
Secretary's Corner No Child Left Behind Higher Education American Competitiveness Meet the Secretary On the Road with the Secretary
No Child Left Behind
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