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Eisenhower Professional Development Program

topEvaluation of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Education State Curriculum Frameworks Projects: First Interim Report
The first interim report examines the progress grantee States have made in completing curriculum frameworks and developing new approaches to teacher education, certification, recertification, and professional development with support from Eisenhower grants for State curriculum frameworks projects. In addition, the report describes issues confronting States as the projects move toward completion.

Report Highlights (1996)

topEvaluation of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Mathematics and Science Education Regional Consortiums Program: First Interim Report
The first interim report describes the federal formulation of the purpose of the Eisenhower Regional Consortiums Program and the early organization and work of the Consortia. The report examines six categories of Consortia activities: professional development, support for State teams and regional networks, dissemination of materials and promising practices, purchase of materials and equipment, networking among the Regional Consortia, and task-specific assistance, such as developing assessment instruments or facilitating State and regional meetings.

Report Highlights (1996)

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Homeless Assistance Program

topAn Evaluation of State and Local Efforts to Serve the Educational Needs of Homeless Children and Youth
This report is based on findings from a study, conducted under contract by Policy Studies Associates, of the U.S. Department of Education's Education for Homeless Children and Youth program. The Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Assistance Amendments Act of 1990 authorizes the Department to review state plans submitted under the Act to "evaluate whether State laws, policies, and practices . . . adequately address the problems of homeless children and homeless youth relating to access to education and placement" and to gather information to "determine the extent to which State educational agencies are ensuring that each homeless child and homeless youth has access to a free appropriate public education.

Report Highlights (1995)

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Indian Education

topImproving Education for Indian Students in the Context of Education Reform
Challenges and Obstacles: provides an analysis and assessment of the quality of the comprehensive plans that were developed by Title IX grantees and submitted as part of their 1995-96 formula grant applications. The purpose of this report is to identify the strengths and weaknesses of these comprehensive plans and to assess the overall quality and feasibility of the strategies developed by local educational agencies (LEAs) to meet the needs of American Indian students. Data were collected through (1) a review of a sample of 1995-96 formula grant applications and comprehensive plans and (2) telephone interviews with representatives from LEAs, state and national Indian education organizations, state education agencies (SEAs), and directors of former Indian Education Technical Assistance Centers. This was the first time Title IX grantees were required by law to develop comprehensive plans and were given a limited timeframe to develop the plans. As a result, the timing of this study may have been premature. However, this report provides a good indication of the quality of comprehensive plans in the first year.

Report Highlights (1995)

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