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Public Health

Community-oriented health and fitness topics.



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King County Community Health Indicators Project

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Walking Maps in King County

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White Center & Boulevard Park Community Data

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King County Community Health Indicators Project

In the King County Community Health Indicators Project a set of statistical indicators has been compiled to measure the health of King County residents. The indicators provide a broad array of comprehensive, population-based data to community-based organizations, community clinics, public agencies, policymakers, and the general public in an accessible format.

The King County Community Health Indicators Project was conceived as a follow-up to the 2002 Institute of Medicine report, The Future of the Public's Health in the 21st Century (external link), which emphasizes the use of data for the entire community to look at multiple determinants of health. The King County indicators were assigned to health determinants such as social determinants, risk factors, and health outcomes. Within each determinant, indicators are arranged by topic, such as air quality, injury/violence, and chronic disease.

For each indicator, the most recent data, trend over time, demographic comparisons, neighborhood-level data, comparisons to other metropolitan counties, and the nationwide Healthy People 2010 objective (external link) are presented in linked tables, maps, and charts. (The complete range of this data is not available for every measure.)

The King County Community Health Indicators Project was developed by Public Health - Seattle & King County with the input and support of the King County Board of Health.

See the project pagearrow graphic
Base Maps
2007 Maps list
2005 Maps list

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Base Maps



map preview: Health Planning Areas by Census Tracts, King County, Washington - 26kb GIF

Health Planning Areas
by Census Block Groups
King County, Washington

71kb GIF image

1.53Mb PDF

map preview: Health Planning Areas by Zip Codes, King County, Washington - 24kb GIF

Health Planning Areas
by Zip Codes
King County, Washington

66kb GIF image

1.52Mb PDF
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2007 Maps
(all links below open  ~1.9 mb PDFs)

Adolescent Births, 5 Year Average, 2000-2004
Adult Asthma Hospitalizations, 5 Year Average, 2000-2004
AIDS Incidence, 5 Year Average, 2001-2005
AIDS Prevalence, 5 Year Average, 2001-2005
Alcohol-Induced Deaths, 5 Year Average, 2000-2004
Assault Hospitalizations, 5 Year Average, 2000-2004
Adult Asthma Prevalence, 5 Year Average, 2001-2005
Female Breast Cancer Death, 5 Year Average, 2000-2004
Female Breast Cancer Incidence (Invasive), 5 Year Average, 2000-2004
Childhood Asthma Hospitalizations, 5 Year Average, 2000-2004
Colorectal Cancer Death, 5 Year Average, 2000-2004
Colorectal Cancer Incidence, 5 Year Average, 2000-2004
Diabetes Death, 5 Year Average, 2000-2004
Diabetes-Ralated Death, 5 Year Average, 2000-2004
Diabetes Prevalence, 5 Year Average, 2001-2005
Drug-Induced Deaths, 5 Year Average, 2000-2004
No Physical Activity, 5 Year Average, 2001-2005
Firearm Deaths, 5 Year Average, 2000-2004
Frequent Mental Distress, 5 Year Average, 2001-2005
Heart Disease Death, 5 Year Average, 2000-2004
HIV/AIDS Mortality, 5 Year Average, 2000-2004
HIV Incidence, 5 Year Average, 2001-2005
HIV Prevalence, 5 Year Average, 2001-2005
Homicide, 5 Year Average, 2000-2004
Infant Mortality, 5 Year Average, 2000-2004
Low Birth Weight - All Births, 5 Year Average, 2000-2004
Low Birth Weight - SIngle Births, 5 Year Average, 2000-2004
Life Expectancy at Age 50, 5 Year Average, 2000-2004
Life Expectancy at Birth, 5 Year Average, 2000-2004
Smoking During Pregnancy, 5 Year Average, 2000-2004
Motor Vehicle Accident Deaths, 5 Year Average, 2000-2004
Motor Vehicle Accident Hospitalizations, 5 Year Average, 2000-2004
Unmet Medical Need, 5 Year Average, 2001-2005
No Health Insurance, 5 Year Average, 2001-2005
Obesity, 5 Year Average, 2001-2005
Overweight, 5 Year Average, 2001-2005
Preterm Births, 5 Year Average, 2000-2004
Current Smoker, 5 Year Average, 2001-2005
Stroke Death, 5 Year Average, 2000-2004
Suicide Attempt Hospitalizations, 5 Year Average, 2000-2004
Suicide, 5 Year Average, 2000-2004
Very Low Birth Weight - All Births, 5 Year Average, 2000-2004
Very Low Birth Weight - Single Births, 5 Year Average, 2000-2004

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2005 Maps
(all links below open  ~1.9 mb PDFs)

HIV Incidence, 5-year Average, 1999-2003
HIV Prevalence, 5-year Average, 1999-2003
AIDS Incidence, 5-year Average, 1999-2003
AIDS Prevalence, 5-year Average, 1999-2003
Childhood Asthma Hospitalizations, 5-year Average, 1998-2002
Adult Asthma Hospitalizations, 5-year Average, 1998-2002
Female Breast Cancer Incidence (Invasive), 5-year Average, 1998-2002
Female Breast Cancer Deaths, 5-year Average, 1999-2003
Colorectal Cancer (Invasive) Incidence, 5-year Average, 1999-2003
Colorectal Cancer Deaths, 5-year Average, 1999-2003
Diabetes Deaths, 5-year Average, 1999-2003
Diabetes-related Deaths, 5-year Average, 1999-2003
Heart Disease Deaths, 5-year Average, 1999-2003
Stroke Death, 5-year Average, 1999-2003
Low Birth Weight, 5-year Average, 1999-2003
Very Low Birth Weight, 5-year Average, 1999-2003
Adolescent Births, 5-year Average, 1999-2003
Infant Mortality, 5-year Average, 1999-2003
Life Expectancy at Birth, 5-year Average, 1999-2003
Life Expectancy at Age 50, 5-year Average, 1999-2003
Alcohol-induced Deaths, 5-year Average, 1999-2003
Assault Hospitalizations, 5-year Average, 1998-2002
Firearm Deaths, 5-year Average, 1999-2003
Homicide Deaths, 5-year Average, 1999-2003
Motor Vehicle Accident Hospitalizations, 5-year Average, 1998-2002
Motor Vehicle Accident Deaths, 5-year Average, 1999-2003
Suicide Hospitalizations, 5-year Average, 1998-2002
Suicide Deaths,5-year Average, 1999-2003

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Walking Maps in King County

Public Health - Seattle & King County offers seventeen community-based walking maps to encourage physical activity and fitness. Six of the maps (see below) were created by King County GIS Center Client Services for inclusion in walking map brochures. All of the maps are provided by Public Health - Seattle & King County in cooperation with local communities throughout the county, and can be viewed/downloaded from Public Health's Walking maps in King County web page.


map preview: City of Carnation Walking Routes (64kb JPEG)

City of Carnation Walking Routes

399kb PDF

map preview: City of Duvall Walking Routes (64kb JPEG)

City of Duvall Walking Routes

537kb PDF


map preview: City of Kenmore Parks, Open Spaces & Walking Map (74kb JPEG)

City of Kenmore Parks, Open Spaces & Walking Map

509kb PDF

map preview: Southeast Seattle Walking Map (93kb JPEG)

Southeast Seattle Walking Map

587kb PDF


map preview: City of Shoreline Parks, Open Spaces & Walking Map (81kb JPEG)

City of Shoreline Parks, Open Spaces & Walking Map

656kb PDF

map preview: Walk
                West Seattle /<br>
                West Seatlle Junction's Smoke-Free
                Restaurants (94kb JPEG)

Walk West Seattle /
West Seattle Junction's
Smoke-Free Restaurants

663kb PDF

  button: click to see links for all seventeen walking maps See links for all seventeen walking maps

go to topRevised March 26, 2008


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