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Legally or otherwise uniquely defined areas, such as jurisdictions, electoral districts, ZIP Codes, etc.

See also: Planning for growth-management and zoning maps.

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Agricultural Production Districts (APD)

Election Reference Maps

King County Judicial Districts

King County's Original Boundary—1852

King County Sheriff Patrol Districts

King County Sheriff Southeast Precinct (Pct 3)

King County ZIP Codes

Metropolitan King County Council Districts—2006 (small-scale, countywide map with council member information)

No Shooting Areas, King County Code 12.68

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Agricultural Production Districts (APD)

This series of maps was produced in February, 2000 by the King County Department of Development and Environmental Services. Each map shows the extent of the given APD, and includes street and municipal features. All PDFs print at 17 x 22 inches (portrait or landscape orientation).

Map: APD Enumclaw (52K JPEG)
1128k PDF
Map: APD Lower Green River (51K JPEG)
Lower Green River
623k PDF
Map: APD North Snoqualmie (85K JPEG)
North Snoqualmie
859k PDF

Map: APD Sammamish River (84K JPEG)
Sammamish River
895k PDF

Map: South Snoqualmie (69K JPEG)
South Snoqualmie
852k PDF

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Sample Maps

Election Reference Maps

Map: 2005 Metropolitan King County Council Districts (104kb JPEG)
2005 Metropolitan King County Council Districts

Map: King County Council District 1 (60kb JPEG)
King County
Council District 1
(district created in 2005)

Map: City of Enumclaw (21kb GIF)
City of Enumclaw

Map: Issaquah School District 411 (50kb GIF)
Issaquah School District 411

King County's Records, Elections and Licensing Services Division maintains electoral district maps in the categories listed below. All can be accessed from their GIS Election Reference Maps web page, or click on a heading below to jump directly to a particular set of maps.

  • King County Election Composite Maps
    Three maps, each displaying one of the three major types of political districts within King County: Congressional, Legislative and County Council.
  • Legislative District Maps
    Individual maps of the seventeen Washington State legislative districts in King County.
  • Metropolitan King County Council District Maps
    Individual maps of the nine districts created in 2005 to replace the configuration of thirteen districts that existed prior to implementation of the results of the 2005 general election. An archive page contains links to individual maps of the thirteen districts.
  • City Precinct Maps
    Individual maps of incorporated cities in King County subdivided into electoral precincts.
  • School District Maps
    A composite map of school districts in King County, individual maps of each of the Seattle School District's seven director districts (primary elections for Seattle school board seats are held by director district whereas in the general election the seats are voted upon city-wide), and individual maps of each of the other school districts. All of the individual school district maps are divided into electoral precincts.
  • Archived Maps
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King County Judicial Districts

Map: King County Judicial Districts 2000 (35K GIF)

415k PDF

Print Size: 8.5 X 11 inches

This map shows a generalized view of the King County judicial Districts, and includes municipalities and district borders. Disclaimer: this map is for overview purposes only - contact the KC District Courts if you are near a border or are uncertain which district you're in. Created by KCGIS Center, August 2000.

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King County's Original Boundary—1852

Map: King County's Historical Boundary-1852 (53k JPEG)

53k JPEG   Screen Size: 586 x 444 pixels

This Web-only map was created by the King County GIS Center Client Services Group for the King County Executive and the King County Sesquicentennial Web site, which includes the text definition of the original boundary on the page that displays this map.

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King County Sheriff
Patrol Districts

Map: King County Sheriff Patrol Districts (32K JPEG)

591k PDF

Print Size: 44 x 34 inches

King County Sheriff's Office county-wide patrol districts shows KC precincts, patrol districts, and storefronts, as well as contract and non-contract areas. Produced by KCSO Centralized Crime Analysis, December 2000.

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Map: Sheriff's Southeast Precinct (Pct. 3) (89K JPEG)

King County Sheriff
Southeast Precinct (Pct 3)

662k PDF

Print Size: 11 x 17 inches

This is King County Sheriff's Precinct 3, showing the F, G, and H Sectors. Labeled features include streets, districts, sectors, contract cities, and other jurisdictions. The geography is broken down by precinct, then sector, then district. Produced by KCSO Centralized Crime Analysis, December 2000.

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King County ZIP Codes

Map: King County ZIP Codes, October 2006 (61K GIF)

The countywide map shows ZIP Code boundaries overlaid on a simple base map of arterial streets and incorporated areas. ZIP Code areas are labeled. Besides the ZIP Code areas, only major highways, cities, and major water bodies are labeled.

2.00Mb PDF   Print Size: 44 x 34 inches

King County GIS Center, October 2006.

Map: King County Zipcodes (88K GIF)

The western King County map shows ZIP Code boundaries overlaid on a more detailed base map that includes all streets. ZIP Code areas are labeled. Labeling of arterial streets, many of which form portions of ZIP Code boundaries, is fairly extensive.

The map extent includes all of King County to just east of North Bend.

7.99Mb PDF   Print Size: 34 x 44 inches

King County GIS Center, December 2004.

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Metropolitan King County Council Districts—2006

Map: Metropolitan King County Council Districts—2006 (79K JPEG)
full map view
(79k JPEG)

Map: Metropolitan King County Council Districts—2006, enlarged view (88K JPEG)
enlarged sample view
(88k JPEG)

Two versions available:

Smaller file with low-resolution background image for faster download

2.55Mb PDF

Print Size: 17 X 11 inches

Larger file with high-resolution background image for better display and print quality

8.69Mb PDF

Print Size: 17 X 11 inches

This small-scale, countywide map makes an attractive display with distinctive colors for incorporated cities and unincorporated areas, plus a shaded-relief background image. Although the scale is not large enough to depict and label all district boundary features, key streets that are coincident with district boundaries are identified (for a more detailed map of district boundaries, see King County Election Reference Maps above). The map also includes all state and federal highways and other common base map features, such as major rivers and water bodies.

The map page layout features a complete list of council members with their phone numbers and e-mail addresses, current for 2006.

The original map artwork was created by the King County GIS Center in March 2002 for the King County Council's Communications Division. The map was revised in December 2005 to depict the new council district boundaries for 2006.

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No Shooting Areas
King County Code 12.68

Map: No Shooting Areas, King County Code 12.68 (110K GIF)

7.2Mb PDF

Print Size: 34 x 44 inches

No-shooting areas are delineated portions of King County within which the discharge of firearms is prohibited or regulated by King County Code, Title 12, Chapter 12.68. Each no-shooting area on the map is labeled with the corresponding code section number and area descriptor.

A no-shooting area defined by Chapter 12.68 may lie within or extend into an incorporated city, which may have its own laws regulating the discharge of firearms within its boundaries.

For more information on King County Code 12.68, see the King County Code on the Metropolitan King County Council website.

Map created by the King County GIS Center, revised September 25, 2006.

Revised May 25, 2007


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