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Department of Natural Resources and Parks - DNRP, King County, Washington

King County Natural Resource Maps

Many of the maps on this page are offered in Adobe Acrobat format. For help with Acrobat, please see our Acrobat Help Page.

King County Noxious Weed Maps2005 King County Noxious Weed Distribution Maps
Map depicts known locations of weed infestations for 30 different noxious weed species in King County from 1996 through 2005. The map is 11"x17" and designed for either print or online viewing. Base map information is up to date as of February, 2004. An interactive weed infestation map is also available.

King County Lakes Map King County Small Lakes Water Quality Map
This color lake map displays lakes across King County in different colors depending on their water quality. Lakes may be:

  • hypereutrophic - very poor water quality
  • eutrophic - poor water quality
  • mesotrophic - moderate water quality
  • oligotrophic - good water quality

The map also depicts easily readable lake names, rivers and streams and ciities as of March, 2003. Map size is 11" x 17" with landscape orientation. File format is Adobe Acrobat version 5. File size is 1.28 Mb and will take approximately 3.5 minutes to download on a 56 Kb/s modem.

Census Maps

These maps depict population and jurisdiction changes in King County during the decade 1990-2000, by drainage basin.


Floodplains MapFloodplains Map
This map depicts 100-year and 500-year floodplains in King County, with cities as of December, 1998 and rivers, streams and lakes. The map scale is 1:300,000, map size is 11" x 17", and the orientation is landscape. File size is 1.38 Mb, and will take approximately 3.41 minutes to download using a 56 Kb/sec modem.

King County WRIA MapKing County Cities, Council Districts and WRIAs Map
This color map includes Water Resource Inventory Areas (WRIAs), lakes, rivers, streams, shaded relief and cities as of February, 2006. Map size is 11" x 17" with landscape orientation. File format is Adobe Acrobat version 5 and file size is 651 Kb.

2001 Land Cover Map from Landsat data2001 Land Cover Map
This map depicts land cover derived from a LandSat satellite image taken of King County on August 11, 2001. The map includes shaded relief and water area. The map scale is 1:150,000, map size is 24" x 36", and the orientation is landscape. File size is 4.3 Mb, and will take approximately 10.6 minutes to download using a 56 Kb/sec modem.

Download Water Features MapKing County Water Features Map
This color map includes cities as of April, 2000, lakes, rivers, streams, watersheds and sub-basins. Map size will fit 11" x 17" with landscape orientation, or may be plotted at a 300% enlargement to fit 36" x 48" (E size). File format is Adobe Acrobat version 3. File size is 802 Kb.

Chinook Status & 1995 Landsat MapChinook Stock Status & 1995 Landsat Map
This color map depicts the general distribution and health of chinook stocks in several King County rivers based on a 1997 study by the Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife. The chinook information overlays land cover imagery that was interpreted from 1995 satellite data, combined with shaded relief imagery that was calculated from a digital elevation model. Other information depicted on the map includes rivers, streams, lakes, and Water Resource Inventory Areas (WRIAs) in King County. The background image has been resampled to minimize file size and downloading time. Map size is 11" x 17" with landscape orientation. File format is Adobe Acrobat version 3. File size is 1.7 Mb.

Wastewater Treatment Service AreaWastewater Treatment Service Area
This color map shows the area in King, Snohomish, and Pierce Counties served by the King County Wastewater Treatment Division as of February, 2000. File format is Adobe Acrobat version 3. File size is 811 Kb.

King County Sewer UtilitiesKing County Sewer Utility Areas
This color map depicts the corporate boundaries and areas covered by King County's Sewer Utilities as of December, 1999. This map also shows the urban growth boundary, section-township-range grid, roads, and rivers. Map size is 11" x 17" with portrait orientation. File format is Adobe Acrobat version 3. File size is 504 Kb.

King County Water UtilitiesKing County Water Utility Areas
This color map depicts the corporate boundaries and areas covered by King County's Water Utilities as of October, 1997. This map also shows the urban growth boundary, section-township-range grid, roads, and rivers. Map size is 11" x 17" with portrait orientation. File format is Adobe Acrobat version 3. File size is 444 Kb.

King County Water Utility Service AreasKing County Water Utility Service Planning Areas
This color map depicts the service areas of King County's Water Utilities. This map is distinguished from the Water Utility Areas map in that it depicts possible future corporate boundaries for the water utilities and was updated June, 2006. This map also shows the urban growth boundary, section-township-range grid, roads, and rivers. Map size is 11" x 17" with portrait orientation. File format is Adobe Acrobat. and size is 846 Kb.

Fish Distribution maps for the Greater Lake Washington watershedMaps - Known Freshwater Distribution of Salmon and Trout
Maps showing the known distribution of chinook, coho, and sockeye salmon, kokanee, steelhead and cutthroat trout in the greater Lake Washington watershed (WRIA 8), based on the collective personal knowledge of resource professionals and data gathered from published and unpublished databases.

Spawning Salmon Map Salmon in the Greater Lake Washington Watershed
Maps of salmon spawning locations in the Lake Washington, Lake Sammamish, and Cedar River basins. This data was collected by volunteers and King County professional staff during the 1996 spawning season.


Zoning Atlas
This Atlas depicts base zoning information by parcel and is provided by the Department of Development and Environmental Services.

Land Use Atlas
This atlas identifies how individual King County parcels are used and is provided by the Department of Development and Environmental Services.